Chapter 40

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Michael’s P.O.V.

“Hello?” I asked as I picked up the phone after my momentary shock.  It was an unknown person, but I picked it up anyways.  Probably some lucky fan that found my real number.

I was expecting squeals and screams and instinctively cringed back from the speaker.  

I wasn’t expecting a soft, musical voice that I knew only to be… “Sage?!?! Is that you! Where are you?  God, I’ve missed you so much…we all have.”  

We had been talking ever since she called me to tell me that Leah had passed away.  My heart stopped and I started to cry in my bunk when she said that, but she shushed me and told me not to tell anyone.  Her voice sounded broken beyond repair.  

Leah was the reason we had found her.  The reason that my family wasn’t limited to brothers, too.  I finally had a sister.  But she was taken away from us.

“Yeah it’s me, Mikey!  I missed you too.” there was a short pause and she continued again.  “I’m here at the stadium.  They recognized me and let me in.  I need to see you guys.”

“Wait.  You’re back.  As in here, here.  Australia?”  I was so confused.  I probably sounded so stupid.

She laughed and I could feel my protective, icy walls that I put around my heart after my “sister” left melt away.  A smile grew on my face.

“Yes!  Where—“ she was cut off when I saw a familiar short girl with long brown hair and signature long-sleeved shirt wandering around with only a backpack and a cheap disposable phone pressed to her ear.      

“SAGE!!!” I screamed and she whipped around suddenly, as smile breaking out on her face.  

I sprinted up to her and she ran up to me.  I engulfed her in a bear hug that made her feet leave the floor and buried my face into her neck as she did the same.  

“Hey, Mikey.” she said as she pulled back.  My eyes searched her face and took in every detail.  

“I missed you so much, sis.” I said into her neck without thinking and I pulled back to see that she had a warm expression in her eyes and she went back in to hug me tightly.  

I let her go after a while and put my arm around my shoulders, pulling her into my side.  

“I missed you too, bro.” she said and we both giggled.  I couldn’t remember the last time I had giggled.  Let alone smiled. 

“C’mon let’s go find the rest of them.” I said and tugged on her hand gently.  She came willingly, but with a guarded expression on her face.  I knew why.  Luke.

How could she trust him again?  I knew Luke, though.  As much of a dick move that was, I knew his real reason. 


When she left, I was so mad at him that I couldn’t even bear to look at him.  When he sat down across from me, I was ready to jump up and move somewhere else with a look of disgust on my face.  Something in his eyes made me stay put.

He looked dead on the inside, empty.  He looked like he had lost the one thing he had to live for.  

“What do you want?” I quietly spat at him.

He didn’t flinch at my harsh tone.  He opened his mouth to reply and said in a hoarse, dry voice, “Please just hear me out.”

I rolled my eyes, but nodded in consent.

Tears immediately filled up his eyes and his voice cracked and broke as he spoke again.  

“ That night, I was so drunk, and my mind made everything I did with Callie switch back and forth from her to Sage.  I didn’t do what I did with Callie by accident though.  She convinced me that it was what I had to do to protect her from everything.  The fans, the hate, just everything in general… I was so drunk that I thought that was what I had to do and I caved into Callie.” 

He looked up to me as a tear fell from his eye.  “That night was a mistake and I should’ve known better.  I’d do anything to take that night back.  I was just trying to protect her.”

I sighed and put a hand on his knee.  “I know, buddy.  I’m sorry.”

He put his hands over his face and let out a rush of air that sounded like a sob.  My eyes widened and guilt clouded my head.  He needed me and I have been a terrible friend.  I moved my hand to the back of his shoulder and pushed him towards me.  He came willingly and nuzzled his head into my neck.  I could feel his tears soaking the collar of my flannel, but I could honestly care less.

I didn’t say anything.  I just held him close and rubbed his back until he calmed down.

“Everything is going to work out in the end, Lukey.” I cooed into his ear.

New tears pricked up in his eyes and I realized my mistake.  Lukey was what she used to call him sometimes.

“P-promise?” he stuttered as more tears made their way down his cheeks.

“I promise.”

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