Chapter 9

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Luke’s P.O.V.

Sage was walking in the middle of the four of us on the sidewalk on the way to M&M World.  Calum and I were on either side of her with Ashton and Michael on the outside of the group.  She really seemed to click with the group which was great since we were going to be spending so much time together.  Sage has opened up a little bit more after getting to know us better and it turns out that she has a really witty sense of humor like us.  She looked confused as we were walking seemingly towards nowhere in particular.

Sage scrunched her eyebrows adorably in confusion, “Where are we going?” 

Ohhh. We didn’t tell her. I giggled and brought my hands up to cover my mouth in excitement.  My eyes were shimmering as I squeaked, “We’re going to….M&M World!!!!!” The rest of the boys around us started to jump around and giggle like little girls and Sage burst into a fit of giggles.  Her laughter was very contagious and we all cracked up making the business people walk around us on the sidewalk and call us crazy.

We buzzed with excitement the rest of the way, ran inside, and stopped when we saw the fantastic colors of the place.  “Sweet..” Sage breathed out and looked around taking everything in.  The boys ran immediately up the escalator to the M&Ms whooping as I stayed by Sage and we watched them in amusement.

I looked down at her, “You haven’t been here before?  I thought if you live here, you see everything!” I poked her cheek and she grinned, showing off the deep dimple in her cheek.

She looked down at her shoes, which I now saw were old, white Vans with a worn patch on the top.  The entire shoe was scattered with words that I couldn’t make out in black ink written on them.  It was quirky and unusual and they exactly fit Sage’s personality. 

Sage chuckled and said, “Well, I really haven’t been out much.  I stay inside a lot of the time reading and listening to music.” she smiled nervously, “pretty pathetic, huh?  The only time I really spend time outside was for soccer…but, I quit a while ago to pursue music.”

I laughed and ran a hand through my hair, “Not pathetic.  That’s practically what I did too, only I just spent time on my guitar singing.  You played soccer? You don’t look like a soccer player.  I used to box.”  I shrugged.  It was just a hobby I did, nothing long term.  The only long-term thing I’ve had was music.

Sage raised her eyebrows in surprise, “You were a boxer? Like the dog?” she chuckled at her own joke, “I’m sorry I had to…terrible joke, terrible joke.  Why don’t I look like a soccer player, huh? Not mean-looking enough? I always got picked first in kickball though…”

I put my hand up to my eyes and smiled at her adorably flustered face, “Never tell that joke again, I swear.” Sage bent over because she was laughing so hard, and soon I was holding my stomach and crying happy tears from the close friendship we already had together.  It seemed as if I had known Sage forever by the way we joked around effortlessly with each other.  “I was always picked last in kickball because I was a chubby kid.” 

She giggled and said, “I can’t even see you being chubby.  Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” she leaned in and whispered that last part, so I got a whiff of her shampoo smell.  Coconut with a hint of mint in it.  She smelled really good, and I’m pretty sure I smell like a typical sweaty guy because I’m wearing skinny jeans in 90 degree weather.  Bad choice.

I rolled my eyes at her and put my arm around her shoulders—which was kinda hard since she was like, a full foot shorter than me—and jostled her around a bit in a playful way.  “Whatdya say we go and find out if we are going to have to pull them out of sugar comas, huh?”

 She paused in thought, then, out of nowhere, sprinted towards the stairs.  I laughed and chased her up to the top floor.

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