Chapter 39

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Luke’s P.O.V.

The show was terrible.  I was missing lines, coming in too early or too late, playing wrong chords, and zoning out right in the middle of a song. 

The four of us weren’t as in sync as we had been when we were with Sage.  She was the glue that kept us together.  The missing link. 

The guys understood.  I couldn’t help it.  Everything didn’t make sense since she left. 

“Okay guys! We are almost done with our show tonight.  But, Luke requested we play one last song.” Cal shouted into the mike and pointed to me.

I snapped out of the haze of depression and stood up straighter.  My voice hadn’t sounded this confident and sure of itself for months.  “This is “Daylight”.”

The crowd screamed, but I tuned them all out.  This was my song that I had written for her.  This was my only chance of feeling some type of connection to her after all this time.

Cal began, 

I’ve got a taste for it and I’m obsessed. 

Lying here no fear of the darkness.  

Now, I’m not happy unless, I close enough to you

And all these dreams I’m dreaming

Freaking me out, I wish I knew the meaning

Doesn’t make sense because I’m just not seeing

How I’m alive it feels like I’m not breathing.

I took a deep breath and pretended I was singing to her.

Before we started, it was over

I feel our bodies getting colder

She gives me, a feeling that I can’t fight

And it’s the road that leads to nowhere, 

But all I want to do is go there

She’s got me

Running from the daylight


I finished the last note and breathed a sigh.  It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my chest.  It almost felt like she was here next to me.  


We were sitting in the dressing room after the show waiting to load onto the bus which would take us back to the flat that we were staying at courtesy of the record label.  

I was looking through all of the pictures that Ash had given me with the shoebox resting on my lap.  I had looked through them so much, that the edges were blunt and worn to smooth rounded corners.  

Mike was strumming his acoustic guitar and singing softly to the song “Stay” by Mayday Parade.

Can you tell I haven’t slept very well

Since the last time that we spoke

You said, “Please understand if I see you again, 

don’t even say hello.”

Please just….


Ash was on his phone probably checking Twitter, and Cal was fast asleep on the couch.  We were so disconnected ever since she left.  Usually, if she was still here, there would be laughter and loud music and odd sounds coming from the room, but instead, it was filled with awkward silence.

Not like we hated each other suddenly, but we just barely spoke anymore.  There was nothing to talk about except her, which we couldn’t do.

Mike’s phone suddenly went off, and the three of our disinterested pairs of eyes flicked to it, then back to what we were doing.  

I kept my eyes locked on Mike, however, as he stared at the caller ID for a few seconds in shock.  He got up off the couch and briskly walked out the door and answered the call.  

“Hello?…” and the door slammed shut and muffled off any other responses.  I sunk back onto the couch and breathed out a sigh, continuing to flick through the pictures with a heavy heart.

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