Chapter 28

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Sage’s P.O.V.

When we were being lead into the dressing room after that whole scene, I was feeling pretty good.  Like I helped someone.  Even though I made one more person like me, I still had some of the fans giving me grief about being in the band.  I duct chose to ignore it, so it didn’t bother me.  The guys on the other hand, Luke especially, got really defensive and angry about it.  This really upset them.  And seeing them upset over something I was inadvertently causing made me upset.

I owed them so much and I had no intention on giving them any of this.  

The hateful tweets continued even as we were walking into the dressing room.  One thing that was trending was the picture of Carina and I hugging after she got everything off of her chest.  I smiled because I loved to help people.  Seeing that I made one person see life differently made me happy.

Still, the fans managed to take what I thought was a good deed and twist it to make me out to be some kind of attention-seeking bitch who lusted after the guys.  Why did I even get a Twitter?  I asked myself as I scrolled through some of the conversations.  

She probably just did that for the publicity. 

Everyone needs to get off her back. I was there and she was legit helping someone. She’s a good person and she doesn’t deserve this. We need to be true fans to 5SOS. 

Yeah she’s right!  #spreadthelove ! Sage is a genuinely good person.

If you aren’t going to bash that whore, then you two lesbos can get the fuck off my post

Sage is a heartless bitch and that’s all there is to it. I bet she’s just trying to see how many of the guys she can sleep with until they realize she has no talent and kick her out of the tour.

Heartless?  Whatever.  I knew what kind of person I was and I was not going to let any jealous person make me doubt myself or who I am.

I turned off my phone.  The chimes went silent and I breathed out a sigh of relief.


Time to go to soundcheck.  I was nervous about what the fans would do to the guys during the performance.  Let them say or do whatever they wanted to me.  Just don’t hurt the people I care about.

These jealous comments were making me fear and feel uncomfortable doing the one thing that I have been waiting to do for my entire life.  I couldn’t let that happen.

Lately, Luke and I have been basically attached at the hip for the past few weeks.  We have been at each other’s side constantly…not that I’m complaining.  In the moments that we are alone, I can feel myself falling for him.  We see each other when we are most vulnerable.  We make the best memories together.  I’ve never laughed as much as I have when I’m with him.

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