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That morning I shook it off my head, the sight of seeing her. Was it really her? What happened?

I shook my head, "Namjoon, stop thinking about that." I told myself.

I went to my kitchen to eat breakfast, I didn't feel like making myself anything, so I just ate what was left over in my fridge.

I found some pasta to eat. I went over to the microwave to heat it up.


I was sitting down, eating, and looking through my phone. I saw that the others had posted videos and pictures about the party. Then, I saw it.

It was true after all..

It was Jimin and Mina. Together. I scrolled up, to some other member's post.

After a minute of scrolling Jin was calling me.

I picked up.

"Yes?" I said, "What's going on? You never really call me."

"Did you see it?" He asked, with that question I already knew what he meant.

"Yeah, I saw it, but out of all people, why Jimin?" I said.

"I don't know, it's a shocking surprise to us too, we didn't know they were together until now." He said. Jimin was keeping secret from the others, "He knew I was hurt, he knew much pain I was in, why would he?" I asked, "I don't know, Namjoon, but everyone has tried calling Jimin but he isn't answering anyone." He said, "Why don't you try calling him?"

"Sure, maybe I can try." I said, "Jin-hyung?"


"I thought it was a dream." I told him.

"How so?"

"Because I remember that when I was looking for Jimin last night, I found him with Mina in a room making out. Then I ran out of the house. I was starting to walk home, then as I walked, like somewhat a block away from the house, I heard someone running towards me. It was Jimin, he was crying. He just ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I think he needed me. What I'm trying to say is, he probably regrets doing that? Or maybe Mina told him something that if he leaves she's gonna go? I don't know." I said.

"Hm.." Was all I heard from him for a couple of seconds. He actually stayed silent for a while. Maybe a minute or two, "If you want answers, call him," He said, "Namjoon, is it possible that maybe I can come see you later?"


"Okay, I'll be there around 5 or something." He said, "Anyways, I gotta go. I'll see you later."


"Bye." And he hung up.

It felt good to talk to Jin again, but now I should try calling Jimin.

I dialed his number and pressed the telephone icon. It started ringing. I doubted he was going to answer, and I was feeling nervous.

I decided to hang up-

"Hello?" Jimin said, as I was about to hang up on him, "Namjoon?"

"Hi." I greeted him.

"Namjoon, I wanna start off by saying that I'm so sorry for what I did last night. I'm done with that Mina girl. I feel so bad, I'm so sorry that it hurt you. I knew you were in pain. I don't know what I was thinking to have done that to you."

"It's okay, Jimin." I said, "I forgive you."


After a call with Jimin, I felt good for the day. All I needed to do was wait for Jin.

I hope that today will go well.


oOF lmao well thanks for reading
stay beautiful everyone.

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