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I looked at Namjoon, tearful-eyed. Is this even real? I can't believe it, he's actually proposing! Oh my God!

"Yes! For sure yes!" I exclaimed, as he got up and kissed me, hugging each other. Baekhyun saw and came in-between us, raising his hands up, signaling for one of us to pick him up, Namjoon gladly did so. Then, Namjoon and I gave him a peck on his cheek, and he giggled. Then, Namjoon put the engagement ring on my ring finger.

I wiped my tears away and looked at Namjoon, "You really had this planned out, didn't you?"

"Yeah. For a couple days at least."

"I can't wait to tell the others!" I said.

"Why don't we just go over right now?" He asked, I looked at him, and smiled. "I think Baekhyun would like meeting them."


We parked next to the sidewalk, in front of Yoongi's medium-sized home. We got out, Baekhyun in my arms. We entered the home. Oh, and before we came, we let them know we were coming, so maybe they wouldn't freak out if someone was just randomly intruding.

"Hey, guys." Namjoon said, as I put down Baekhyun, then, the brown haired boy went behind me, clutching my over-sized shirt, and holding onto my leg a little.

"Woah, when did you two get a kid?" Asked Jungkook.

"Last night." Namjoon answered. Then, I shut them up, "Guys, look!" I raised my ring finger, "I'm engaged!"

"To who?" Asked Hoseok, I rolled my eyes, "Hoseok, isn't it obvious?"

"Um, no?"

"The man that's literally standing right beside me." I said, pointing at Namjoon. "Ohh."

"Congrats, guys!" Jimin said, and everyone cheered, "You guys are about to get married, even before us!" Taehyung said. I looked over at Tae. He was looking right back at me. I swallowed deeply, and looked away. We had made eye contact for about three seconds, before I turned my head to face anyone else but him.

I still felt awkward about what happened that day, I wondered if he cared, that I'm engaged. Did I hurt his feelings? Does he care? I shook my head and forced myself to not think about it. Namjoon noticed since I looked over at him, he was looking at me worriedly. I reassured him by mouthing an, 'I'm okay.'. He nodded and looked away.

Then, after the congratulations and cheering, everyone now turned their attention to Baekhyun, "What's his name?" Jimin asked, giving the child a angelic smile. "Baekhyun." Namjoon answered.

"He's really cute." Taehyung said, coming up to him and crouching down. "Do you wanna play some videos games with Jungkook and I?" Taehyung asked.

I looked down towards Baekhyun, and he looked at me, "Can I go play, Daddy?" He just called me 'daddy'. Oh my gosh. That.. I'm so happy! He called me Daddy!

I smiled and nodded. Then, the two were off with Jungkook, I looked up at Namjoon, "He called me 'Daddy.'" I said in excitement. He grinned and said, "Can't wait until he calls me 'Dad.'"

I smiled.

We went over to the couch and sat down with the other guys, "So, how did you guys manage to get him?" Asked Yoongi.

I looked down to my lap, "His mother abandoned him." I intertwined my hands and set them on my lap.

"Oh." They all said. "Yeah, and he's only four." Namjoon said.

"It's sad, I know, but we have him now. And, we're not going to abandom him like his mother did." I said.

"So, you guys are basically a family now. We just need you two to be husband and husband." Yoongi laughed, we laughed along too. Then soon after it died down, the three started throwing questions at us, "How many more kids do you plan to adopt?" Hoseok asked.

"Maybe just one more, but you never know." I said.

"When is Baekhyun's birthday?" Yoongi asked.

"May sixth."

Then, more and more questions kept coming until I stopped them, "That's enough for questions, before I go nuts over this."

We all laughed.

I'm gonna be honest. I missed the way we all hung out like this. Just a normal hangout day with the guys. I liked how we all had good laughs with each other today. It brings back memories.

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