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The couple had woken up to mysterious scratching noise. It was fairly loud, so Namjoon went to go see where it was coming from. As he got closer to the front door, he heard something on the other side.

He opened the door to reveal a small, fluffy, white dog. "Jinnie!" Namjoon shouted. Jin came to the front door in a second, "Oh my god! It's so cute!" Jin said excitedly as he picked up the dog.

"Jin, I don't think we can keep him or her.." Namjoon said.


"I dunno, I mean unless you want one." Namjoon said.

"Let's keep the dog! You can go buy the dog stuff and I'll bathe this cute baby while you're gone. And also bring toys!" The blonde haired boy said.

Namjoon got his keys and headed out, he got into the car and drove off.


I was bathing the little dog while Namjoon was gone, "Hm. Are you a him or a her? Let's check." I checked the dog, and it was a, "A girl! You beautiful thing." I said, the dog looked at me tearful eyes, wanting to get out, I immediately turned soft, "We'll get you out in a minute, 'kay?" I pet the dog sweetly.

I got her out of the sink -she was small enough to fit there- and dried her off, "What should we name you?"

"Rosie? Bella? Luna? Snowy?" Snowy. That name stuck to my head. She's as white as snow. I'll have to ask Namjoon. I repeated the name Snowy, and the little one barked, if saying she liked it, "You like that name?" I asked her and giggled while I petted her, "Your new father should be home soon." I said, I felt delighted as the words came out of my mouth. I've had a dog before, but he's with my parents. I treated him like if were my own son. And he still is. I miss him so much.

I heard the front door open, and there she goes, barking.

"Joonie!" I sprung up and jumped in his arms.

"Woah, I already have a handful of stuff on me right now." He said.


He placed the bags down and the little kennel on the ground, "I bought what you wanted for him.." I corrected him, "Her, actually."

"Oh, well, her. I bought her a little bed too, whenever she's tired." There was a pause, "Did you think of any names yet?" He asked.

I smiled brightly, "Yes, how about Snowy? Since her fur is as white as snow."

"That's so perfect." He said, "You're so good at naming things, baby."

"Thank you..?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Come here." He said. I walked over to him and cupped my face and kissed me. I pulled away this time, "We gotta feed this little one. Who knows how long it's been since the last time she's eaten." I said.

He smiled and nodded.

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