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I looked at him, we looked straight at each other, "Go get your things, we're gonna go somewhere." I said, and he quickly got up and ran to the room to get his things. Once he came back, we headed out.

I took him to the Christmas lights. When he realized where we were he smiled like a little boy, "I haven't been here in forever!" He exclaimed, "Is this my present?"

"Half of it," I corrected, "there's still one more part." I parked and we got out, heading towards the beautiful lights. We started walking around and then we saw the huge tree just made with lights. It looked so beautiful, "Joon, let's take a picture!" Jin said taking his phone out. We took a selfie together and posted it online. I smiled, because he was happy.

I decided by the end of it I should do it. Not right now, I wanna leave it for the end, you know, save the best for last. We walked around some more, and then saw a small child walking by himself, he looked about 4 or maybe 5 years old. Jin saw him and immediately crouched down, "Hey, why are you walking alone out here?" He asked.

"I-I can't f-find my mom-my." The little child said, his voice shaking, he was about to cry.

"We can help you find her." Jin said, ruffling his hand through the child's hair, "What's your name, sweetheart?"


I looked at Jin, and he was looking right back at me. "Let's go find your mommy, okay?" I said, as I crouched down.


We spent at least an hour looking for this child's mother, we were starting to assume his mother left him, because wouldn't their mother go and ask if they've seen their kid roaming around? We went around this place at least over 10 times already, and no sign of the small child saying what I would expect is, 'Mommy!'.

I felt bad for the child. If we couldn't find his mother, what do we do? Take him with us and take care of him for the time being? Or, give him to an orphange? Even this kid was explaining what his mother looked like to strangers, and they said they didn't see anyone.

"Hey, have you seen my mommy? She has, like a tan color, has nice, light short brown hair, short and skinny." Baekhyun told to a stranger.

I was standing next to him, and then I heard the stranger say, "Oh! Are you talking about Yoo Ra? Yeah, she's my friend."

"Yes! That's her!" Baekhyun said excitedly, "I saw her leave about an hour ago." The friend said. Baekhyun stopped and said, "She l-left..?" Then, he bursted into soft tears, I crouched down and picked him up, hugging him, "Why would she leave her child?" I asked her friend.

"She said," She sighed before answering, "she didn't want a child, I don't know why after 4 years of having him, she just decides to leave him here."

I felt heartbroken for this little guy. He's only 4! How can a mother, or just any parent leave their precious child like that? Something so precious, something they created, just leave them like that? I felt upset, at the mother the most, and the friend, because she looked like she was on the mother's side. She looked like she didn't give two fucks about this child.

Without saying anything, I turned around and walked away with Baekhyun in my arms, now on the search for Jin.

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