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I had woken up to Jin scrolling through his social media on his phone, "Good morning, Jinnie." I said in a raspy voice.

"Hi, Joonie."

He turned his head to face me and I brought it closer so I could kiss him.

"Ready to get up?" He asked. I could tell he was smiling, "Nu uh." I said.

"I'll go make breakfast. You can sleep a little longer until I'm done, okay?" He said.



Here I was now, eating breakfast. My messy blue hair (his blue and kinda silver hair in idol.) was everywhere, it was somewhat covering my face, "Joon, you gonna do something about your hair?" Jin asked.

I yawned, "Maybe."

"Jin, I'm still tired," I whined, "let me go back to sleep."

He chuckled, "You're so cute."

"I know."

There was silence.

Until Jin broke it, "Joon," he paused, "is there any chance.. I can, um m-move in..?"

He was looking down as he said this, he was probably embarrassed. He could've been thinking it wasn't the right time to say it, maybe he thought he was moving too fast.

"Mhm. You can move it, if you'd like." I said, "I don't mind."

"I'd actually like it if you did."

He looked up at me brightly smiling, "Really?"

I nodded my head. He looked back down again, "Thank you."


"Jin, you do realize it's almost your birthday, right?" I asked, ruffling my hand through his hair. Jin and I were on the couch laying down and cuddling while watching TV. "Yeah, but what's so special about it?" He said.

"Well, we celebrate the day you were born a, beautiful, sexy, handsome and lovely man. And we're gonna celebrate it with the other guys." I said.

"Where are we gonna go..?" He asked, I could see he was a little scared and worried in his eyes. I turned into a softie when I saw it, "We're gonna go out and eat." I said.

"But, what happens if..?" He paused, "Jin, it's not a club. The people there are gonna be eating, and if anything happens they'll do something, and besides you got us boys. Especially, your cute and protective boyfriend."

I put my arm around his waist, he took my hand into his, "Joon, can I say something right now?" He asked me.

"Yeah, what is it?"

He was silent for a couple of moments, "No, never mind."

I didn't want to ask him what was wrong, I don't want to make him angry. So, I just let it pass. I sighed deeply, "Okay."

Thanks for reading the chapter!
The QOTD is: What do you like doing during the day?
Anyways, keep on sparkling beautifully, everyone.
I'll see you next chapter!

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