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I had already fell in love with the kid. He was just so perfect, a perfect little one to be exact. He's everything we wanted in a child. I remember also seeing this exact little boy in my dream, and also another one.

And, I never got to show Jin his present. Instead, we got a better one. The both of us got, a beautiful 4-year-old boy. And that's the best gift we have gotten this year. We get the opportunity to call this child ours. How could anyone pass this? It's such a great blessing to call a child your own.

I saw Baekhyun start playing with Snowy again, and so now was the chance to talk to Jin. I got up and walked over to him, "I'm so in love with this kid!" I told him, keeping my voice low.

He grabbed my hand and held it, "He's so perfect." He smiled, and pecked my lips. I brought our faces closer, and deepened the kiss a little. I pulled away after a while. "Remember the present I was supposed to give you?" I asked. He nodded, "What about it?"

"I need to still give it to you," I paused, "but not here. This one is for sure special."

He cocked his head to the side, "Okay then." He left into the kitchen, and then I heard the stove turned on. Ah. "Baekhyun." I called out, and he came over to me, "Yes, Namjoon?"

"I'm gonna go out and buy you new toys and clothes, so, I'm asking, what toys do you want you want? Only 4 toys though." I said. He thought about it for a while, "Paw Patrol toys, Transformers, a bunny stuff animal, and.." He thought hard about the last one, "I think that's all I want."

I nodded and told Jin I was heading out.


I entered Toys-R-Us, and went straight to looking for the toys Baekhyun wanted. After a while of looking through the isles, I found them. I went to checkout, and paid for the toys, not caring if their were expensive or not. After I went to a kids' clothing store, looking for clothes for the child. I searched and searched, I had found at 5 outfits that might likely fit him. I paid and left. I had wanted to get home already, home to our family. Family. Feels nice saying that once you think about it.

I parked in the driveway. Then, I got out with the 4 bags, 2 in one and 2 in the other. I entered the home, once Baekhyun saw me he jumped down from his seat and ran towards me, hugging my legs, "You're back!" He squealed in excitement. Jin came over and took the bags, giving me the chance to pick him up. He hugged me quickly as I did, and I hugged back, grinning in delight.


The three of us had went somewhere, somewhere special. Where Jin and I had met, the flower garden. It was Hoseok's 8th birthday, and he invited me. His birthday was being held at the flower garden. Jin was there, and little did I knew, he would be the guy I'd want to marry and have by my side forever.

"This is where we met." He said, as we parked by the sidewalk, leading into it.

We got out, with Baekhyun in the middle, holding each of our hands. We went in, and there were so many pretty flowers, different kinds. Jin looked at me, but didn't say anything. We kept walking and then we saw the bridge. We crossed over.

Then, the little quiosco a little ways in front of us. "Joon, why?" He asked. I didn't say anything and walked over there with him.

Once we went inside, Baekhyun was looking out, looking at the different kinds of beautiful flowers there were.

Meanwhile, I was shaking, but tried my best to make it unobvious. I began, "Jin, I want to start off saying, I love you so much and you know that." I said, grabbing his hands and holding them.

"And, If I were to be seperated from you, I wouldn't be able to even last a minute without you being by my side," I paused, "To get to the point, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I got the little box out of my pocket, and got down on one knee. I could see that Jin was about to go in tears, in fact not even a second later, he started crying. I, myself, was tearing up a little.

"Kim Seokjin, I want to love and spend the rest of my life with you." I said.

"Will you marry me?"

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