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"Jin, are you ready?!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear me, "Yeah, almost!" He shouted back.

Not soon after he came out.

Even though he didn't do much to himself, he looked beautiful. His dyed blonde hair was perfectly done. The clothes - especially the oversized everyday shirt, - made him look small, even though he was a tall guy.

I was eye wide, mouth a little open. I looked down, I was blushing. "Let's go." He said.


We arrived at the club, and boy, it was packed. There were a lot of people.

Jin and I stood at the entrance looking around at the people dancing and drinking until they were drunk enough.

I looked at Jin, unsurprisingly, he was looking right back.

I quickly intertwined my hand with his, and started walking through the crowd.

Suddenly, a few of these guys bump into Jin, causing him to stumble and let go. It was a huge crowd. You could literally get lost in it. And surprisingly the club was a big place. "Shit." I muttered.


The few guys that bumped into me, saw me and pushed me back. "You got a damn problem?!" One of them yelled.

Some people behind us backed up and made a little circle surrounding us. "I think he does." The other said.

"I-I d-didn't mean to-"

"Oh, shut the fuck up!" The guy in front said, "Your excuses are making my ears bleed."

I looked down. Then, unexpected one of them came up to me and kneed me in the stomach. I fell down to the floor in pain. Namjoon, please come and help me.. I need you.

"I.. d-didn't even do anything to y-you.." I said.

One of them pulled me up and punched me back down to the ground.

I'm incapable of self defense. I'm not strong. I can't fight back, even if I wanted to. If I did, I'd probably end up in the ER. It was useless. Even pointless. I just let them do whatever they wanted to do with me. Punch me, kick me, slap me. Whatever.

As I was on the floor, I felt like I was starting to pass out, slowly. Around me were phones, they all had flash on and were recording. The club was still really loud, and the sounds the people were making around us, sounded just like a normal night at a normal club.

Namjoon, please find me..

Hi hi!
Thanks a lot for reading!
And the QOTD is: What's your least favorite subject in school?
I'll see you in the next one!
I love all of you!

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