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Aren't I moving too fast? I think he feels the same. I already want to move in, I know he said yes, but wasn't that just going too fast? I suddenly got so attached to him and I want to be by his side, whenever I can.

He's been there for me, for a while. A long while. I can't believe that I had feelings for him, but didn't really realize it.

Or maybe, I just didn't accept them.

I want to take things slow with him. I don't want to rush. I just don't want to make him uncomfortable with me moving too fast. So, best decision to make would be to, take things slow from now on. Whenever I think should be the right time, I'll say it.

"Jinnie, I'm gonna get you such a good birthday present." Joon said.

"Oh, really? I can't wait. It better surprise me."

"It will." He said.

He chuckled, "But, you know, you're gonna get a bunch of presents. I'm giving you two."

"Now, I'm actually excited for my birthday." I said, as I got off the couch and sat on the floor.

"You should be, we're all gonna have fun. Oh my god! Maybe we could go to an arcade after we eat!" He said, excitedly.

"Yeah, we can."

He smiled.

I leaned in and kissed him on the lips, "You have such amazing kisses, Jinnie." He said.

"Thank you?"

He leaned in and kissed me again, this time it was a longer kiss.


"Do you wanna go outside?" He asked.


"I'm kinda bored. Maybe we can throw snowballs at each other. Or make a snow man." He said.

I raised an eyebrow, "Okay, sure. Lemme get me get my jacket on."

I went into the guest room and put on my jacket, I returned back into the kitchen to find Joon already ready to go, "You look so adorable in the jacket, Joonie." I said as I giggled.

He smiled adorably.


Joon was behind me as we walked outside, "Joon, are you ready for this fucking snow ball fight?" I asked, but no response.

I turned around and rose an eyebrow, "Joonie?"

Then, I got hit in the back with a snowball, "Oh shit! You really want it, don't you?" I said as I quickly turned around to find him laughing, "I really do want it, if you know what I mean." He smirked.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned a little red, I shook the thought away and picked up a lot of snow and made a somewhat medium sized snowball. I threw it at him, hoping it wouldn't hit his face. Luckily, it hit his stomach. (Don't worry, we had snow gloves, we weren't using our bare hands.)

He threw another one of his snowballs at me and I dodged that shit. "WOO!" I said, hyping myself up, "Let's get it!" I said, mimicking Jungkook.


This went on for about a while, until we were out of breath from running away from each other.

I went up to Joon and he held me, so I could keep my balance. That's how tired I was, because of the snow, and having to run in snow, is like hard work.

"Joon," I said, as I was trying to catch my breath, but I was still panting, "I'm tired."

"Jinnie.." He paused slightly, "Nevermind."

I gulped, "Joonie, we should set up the Christmas tree." I said as I let go of him and stood in front, "But, I don't have the things for it," He said, "not even the tree itself."

"We can buy them today!" I said excitedly, "We can go together."

"Okay." He said, "That's fine with me."


Hi hi!
The QOTD of the day is: How are you doing right now?
Thanks a lot for reading!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
And never forget to sparkle beautifully.
I'll see you in the next chapter!
I love all of you!

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