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"Hey, I'm gonna go out." I said.


"Somewhere," I replied, "it doesn't need to concern you."

"Don't make me end up calling you every 5 minutes." He said.

I ignored him and went to get my shoes on and my phone. Namjoon looked flustered. Hah. I chuckled to myself. I wanted to surprise him a bit. I actually was going out to get myself a job. If they didn't hire me, I wouldn't really worry, because I would just go out and go Christmas shopping by myself. Christmas was around the corner and I needed to by the presents for the boys and for my amazing, loving, caring boyfriend.

As Namjoon tried catching up with me, I closed the front door before he could even reach it. I knew he would call like right away.

I got into the car and drove away to the office building downtown. It was a pretty big place. We lived somewhat near the city.

As I pulled up into a parking spot, I realized my notifications were blowing up. A bunch of text messages from Namjoon, even missed calls. He must be so confused and worried. They were coming in like the Flash. I smiled.

I entered the building, went to the reception desk and told them I was here for my interview. They led me into the interviewing room.


I walked out of the building confidently. I nailed that. I so nailed that!

I had at least about a hundred thirty-five dollars on me, just enough to get presents, wrapping paper, and ribbons. But, fuck.. how am I gonna sneak it in without him being suspicious of me?

Well, I guess I'll try and sneak it when he's not looking.


I reached home and thought about my plan. But to no surprise, I didn't have one. If he saw the things, he would just think it's for the others.

I got out of the car and opened the door to the backseat. I had gotten the presents out, and headed inside. I used the extra door key under the mat, and unlocked the door.

I sighed, relieved. I heard that the shower was on, letting me know he's showering, and he also had music. I could hear him singing. Just hopefully he didn't hear me coming in.

I went into the guest room. Thinking quickly of what to do. I came up with something fairly quick.

I looked under the bed, to look for any boxes, and I had found one. I opened it to reveal..

Sex toys? Okay, what the hell. I don't have time to react to this. I quickly ran to the kitchen to look for a small bag. I found one in a cabinet.

I put the toys in the bag, tied the bag up and placed it in a corner behind another box, that I wasn't really curious to look in there. I placed the items in the box, and closed it, I also placed it next to the toys. When I had finished Namjoon got out and I went into our room to pretend like I was cleaning it.

"Where were you?" Asked Namjoon in a furious tone.


"Where downtown!? You had me worried fucking sick, Jin!"

I turned around and looked at him. He was leaning against the wall to the room, with his towel wrapped around his waist, "Sorry." Is all I said.

"Sorry? Really? A fucking sorry?" He said, approaching me. As he got closer, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Don't make me punish you, now." That sent a shiver down my spine. The thought of him giving me punishment. Shivering feeling.

After that, his lips crashed onto mine. He kissed me passionately and lovingly. They fit so perfectly together.

He pulled away, "Jinnie, just.. next time please tell me where you're going. You had me so fucking worried, when you weren't answering me, I felt like something had happened to you. I tried calling you numerous times. Hell, I was about to head onto the bus and have it take me where ever you were."

Then, he embraced me in his arms. I embraced him back, "Well, to start off.. I got a job." I said, smiling.

"You did?"

I nodded excitedly, "I'm a business man, starting Tuesday."

He hugged me even tighter, "I'm so happy for you."

I'm.. even more happy for us.

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