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(It ain't the end yet🤪)

"Jinnie!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. "I missed you so much!"

"Where are the kids?" I asked.

"Baekhyun's at school, while Rosé is at preschool." Jin said, smiling. "I missed you even more, Joon." He said, and kissed me. "I'm so glad you're home now."

It's been over a year now. I got a new job - a better one actually - and was taking a business trip. It was a whole month that I was gone, and all I missed was my children and my husband. I called them every night. Jin was just a stay-at-home dad, taking care of the kids while I was gone. We had also moved like at least 5 months ago. It was a little bigger, but we absolutely loved it. The kids as well!

"Can I pick up the kids today?" I asked, intertwining my hand with Jin's as we were leaving the airport. "Hm.. maybe how about surprise them? I'll go pick them up, and you can wait at home to surprise them?" Jin suggested.

"I'll be holding their presents in my hands." I said, giggling. "I can't wait to see their smiles again. I really hope they missed me."

"Joonie, they obviously did. They would ask me, 'When is Dad coming back?' or 'We miss Dad so much.' That's how much they've missed you, babe." Jin said.

"Aren't you tired from the flight?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, the seats weren't really comfortable." I said.

"Okay, well, why don't you sleep? It'll be a while before we arrive at the house."

"Okay." I mumbled, "I love you, Jinnie."

"I love you too."


"Hey.. Joon.. we're here.." Jin said quietly, as he was shaking me to wake up. "It's also time for me to pick up the kids."


He leaned over the center console and kissed me softly. "Are you awake now, baby?"

I nodded, and kissed him again. "Here's the key to the house." Jin said, handing it to me.

I got out and went over to the trunk to get my suitcase. Once I got it, I walked over to the front door of our house. I unlocked it, and entered.

I breathed in the smell of the house. It smelt like home, a autumn kind of smell.

I went into me and Jin's room, and quickly started taking everything out of it.

Once I finished, I placed my suitcase in the closet. I was extremely exhausted, but I wanted to see my beautiful children. It's been so long.

So, to keep myself awake and going, I went into the bathroom and washed my face. Hoping it would keep me awake for a while.


I heard the doorbell. I quickly ran back into the room to get the kids' presents. I placed them on the table.

Then, I went and sat on the couch like a casual day. I heard the door open.

I heard footsteps approaching, and I smiled.

They came over to the couch, once they saw me, the both kids screamed in unison, "Dad!"

They quickly jumped on my lap and hugged me so tight. "We missed you dad." Baekhyun said, hugging me.

"I missed you da most!" Rosé said, and pecked my cheek.

"I got you presents. Do you want them?" I asked.

They both nodded. "They're on the table." I said. They rushed over to the table and grabbed them.

Rosé got a plushie she has been wanting for so long. Baekhyun got a toy set he has been also wanting for a while now.

"So cool!" Baekhyun exclaimed, "Can I open it now?"

"Yes, but make sure to take it all to your room, okay?" Jin said.

"Okay, Daddy." Baekhyun responded.

"Rosé, honey, what's wrong?" I asked, noticing the small pout on her face.

"Dad.. it's ripped a little.." she said, and started crying a little.

"Come here, baby." I said, and she came over, dragging her plushie, whimpering. "Daddy can fix it, okay?" I said, and looked at Jin.

He came over, and crouched, "Let's go fix it, sweetie." He said, and kissed her forehead, "Don't cry."

I watched as the two left the living room, and then I looked at Baekhyun who was looking for something in the cabinets. "Sweetheart, what are you looking for?" I asked, getting up and walking over to him.

"Something to open my toy set." He said, "Maybe scissors will do, right Dad?"

"Of course. I'll help you open it once we find them." I said, and smiled.

After a while of scavenging, I found some scissors. "Baekhyun, look!" I said, holding the pair in my hand.

Baekhyun turns his head towards me, "You found them! Now, we can finally open my toy set." He said, as he walked over to me and smiled.


"Dinner's ready!" Jin shouted loud enough for all of us to hear. I scurried out of the bedroom, and went into the kitchen. I sat down at the end of the table, whereas my kids sat next to each other.

Jin came over and placed down two bowls of kimchi stew in front of the kids. Then, he brought mine afterwards.

After he placed it, instead of going for his own bowl, he planted a soft kiss onto my lips. "Daddy! Give me a kith too!" Rosé exclaimed. "Me too!" Baekhyun said after.

Jin went over to the two and give them lots of kisses. The two children were giggling, and planting kisses all over Jin's face.

"Okay, okay. Eat your food now." Jin said, returning back over to the kitchen to grab his bowl.

We finally were seated down, and eating. While laughing and telling jokes to each other.


"Alright! Time for bed!" I exclaimed, as I leaned on the doorway to the kids' room. I watched as they scrambled into their beds, how cute, I thought. I smiled, and gave my usual goodnight kisses. Jin came a little bit after I finished.

I got into bed with Jin laying beside me, "Hey, baby. Can we adopt another child?" I asked, so suddenly.

Jin giggled, "Yeah, but in 2 years."

"No, seriously. I want another child.." I said quietly.

"Oh, you're being serious." Jin said, as he rubbed his temple. "Well, I don't see why not. We can have another if you'd like."

"Really? I bought baby shoes just because I thought they looked cute. Now, we'll actually have a baby to wear them!" I exclaimed, excitement filling my body.

"Since, when were you prepared?" Jin asked, giggling.

"Since the beginning, baby."


Jin had already fallen asleep. I was still on my phone going through social media, and all of that.

Then, suddenly I get a message from an unknown number.

im just gonna get straight to the point here
i want you to hand over jin
i want him
and you have 3 weeks to do so
or else your children are in danger

who the hell are you?
is this some kind of prank?
you're gonna get blocked.

[image attached]
you think i'm joking now?
you have
or else we don't want your kids in danger, right namjoon?
and you better not block me. that will only increase
the chances of your kids' danger

who the hell are you
and why are you doing this?

im back, namjoon.
back and better than ever fucking before.

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