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"Fuck, fuck, fuck.." I muttered to myself, "What should I do?"

It didn't take long for me to come up with something, I had just decided to lay on the bed while "looking" through my phone.

A couple minutes later, Namjoon walked in, "Uh, Jin?"

"What?" I said, without taking a glance nor looking at him. I was already feeling embarrassed and shy towards him. How awkward is this gonna be?

"Um, you said we could go to the club with the other boys tonight.. remember..?" This time, I looked at him. He looked ashamed, and embarrassed. A sad wave of emotion hit me really quickly. I gulped, "Yeah, I do. We'll get going soon.." I paused. I really just wanted to go hug him right now and tell him why not to be ashamed nor embarrassed..

I've made up my mind.

I sighed deeply, but inside, my heart was beating like crazy.

"Namjoon, come here, sit down by me." I said, and then positioned myself to sit on the side of the bed.

He came over and sat by me, "How are you feeling right now?" I asked.

He looks down at his lap, "Well.." he pauses for a moment, "I feel embarrassed and ashamed.. I wasn't expecting for you to wake up while I was doing that."

He hasn't looked up at me at all yet. But, after he said that, I began to rub his back in little circles, "Namjoonie, don't feel ashamed or embarrassed. It's totally fine. I was wrong for peeking in. Don't feel bad. You're not the only one who does it in this world." Immediately after I leaned in, and hugged him tightly, "I'm sorry, Joonie." I said, "For making you feel that way."

He hugged back.

Suddenly, he pushed me back onto the bed, "Namjoon?" He hovered over me and grabbed my wrists and held them down. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "It's okay, baby."

He got up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I was left laying there, I didn't move but just thought about what the hell just happened. I already knew one answer to one of the many questions in my head.

Namjoon is gay.

But, wait. What happened right now doesn't prove he definitely is. He could be bisexual. Could I just ask him? Is it that easy?

I'll ask him later tonight. When we go out, maybe I'll pretend to be drunk and ask him.

As I thought that last thought, I smirked and chuckled to myself.

It was only 5:46 pm. I guess we'll go later.

I decided to leave the room soon after. Maybe cook myself something, and also shower. I'll ask Namjoon for some extra clothes.

I left the room and heard music from the bathroom, I guess he's showering first.

I sighed and went into the kitchen.


Namjoon came out of the shower and saw me eating at the table. When, he started walking over, I was starting to blush and my heart was racing so fast. I had to look down, I couldn't bare it. "Hey, Seokjinnie." He said, and that got me to blush harder.

So, I decided to get up and throw the last bits of pieces of food away since I was basically finished. I put my plate in the sink, "Hi." I said, not trying to make eye contact.


I knew Jin was blushing. I could tell the second I started walking up to him. As he put his plate in the sink, I smirked.

"N-Namjoon, do you have any e-extra clothes..?" He asked me, "Yeah, I'll go get them for you." I said.

I walked into my room and went to my closet. I got an oversized everyday shirt and some black sweatpants.

I went into the kitchen and handed to them to him. Then, I held his hand, "Yah, I can tell you're blushing really hard. Are you nervous around me now, because of what happened?" I asked.

He looked down, "Um, I.." He paused for a few moments, "Yes?" I said, trying to maybe get an answer from him, but he didn't speak up.


Why can't I speak up?

Come on, Seokjin. Say something, don't keep quiet. Say something before he does!

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out.

"Jin, I don't want you feeling uncomfortable around me, just so you know, I am gay. You can just tell me to stop and I'll stop." He said. Once he said that, I felt relieved. I didn't have to ask if he was now, since he just admitted it to me now. Now one question I have to answer myself,

Am I also gay?

And, well. I'm pretty sure I'll find out soon. I might even already know if I am. I'm just not realizing it yet.


Hello, beautiful people!
The QOTD is: If you had one day to spend with only one person, who would it be?
Anyways, thank you for reading!
Sparkle beautifully, loves.
I'll see you in the next one!

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