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It's been 2 months. A lot has happened since then. Jin and I had a really simple wedding, but we were still so happy to be married to each other. And Baekhyun has been very happy since then. He would call me, 'Dad' while with Jin, he'd call him 'Daddy.'

And we added a new addition to the family. A beautiful, 2-year-old girl, named Rosé. We adopted her from the orphange. She was so excited to see us, when we went to pick her up and bring her home with us. Should've seen the look on her face. It was full with delight. Baekhyun was so excited to have a little sister.

Jin and I have a good life. We're very happy with the life we have, and happy with each other. I still can't believe it, we have our own children. Children to call our own. How beauti-

I heard a scream, snapping me out of my thoughts. It had came from the kids' room. I quickly ran in, to see Rosé and Baekhyun hugging each other in fear, "What's going on?" I asked, while walking over to them and crouching down. "There's a spider!" Exclaimed Baekhyun, pointing to it.

I looked over to where he was pointing, indeed it was. It was a little one. "Come with me, kids." I said, and they followed me into the kitchen. I ripped off a piece of paper towel, and went back into the room. I quickly crouched down to where the spider was. I picked it up and covered it with the paper towel I had. Then, I went outside, the kids following behind, and let the small spider go. "See? It wasn't so bad." I said, putting my hands at my hips.

"B-But Dad! It could've eaten us!" Baekhyun exaggerated.

"It's fine, Baekhyun. It's gone now." I said, "Daddy will be home soon, why don't you two go play in your room in the meantime?"

Baekhyun nodded and then Rosé followed behind him. As I watched them leave, I sighed. Then, I went to clean a little of the house.


I was cleaning the kitchen a little when I heard the front door open slowly. I walked over to it a little to see who it was. As I peeked over the corner, I saw Jin, peeking in. When he saw me he signaled me to come over. I went over to him, "Hey, Joonie." He said, and before I responded, I pecked his lips. "Hi, beautiful."

He smiled and then came in quietly. "Go get the kids." He said, and I nodded.

I went over to their room once again, and stopped in the doorway. "Look who's home!" I said.

"Is Daddy home?" Baekhyun questioned.

"D-Daddy?" Rosé quietly asked.

"Go see for yourselves." I said, and they instantly started running to the kitchen. As I followed behind them, they both said in excitement, "Daddy!"

I smiled, and saw them getting a lot of kisses from Jin.

Then, he let the kids go and then Jin came over to me, and gave me a long loving kiss, and then after he pulled away, we heard whines. Under us were the kids, wanting us to pick them up. We gladly did, I picked Rosé and Baekhyun in Jin's arms. Then, we gave them a lot of kisses as they wanted.

We put them down and then they went running back into their room to play again.

I looked at Jin, losing myself in his eyes, just as I did when I fell for him. "I know I'm beautiful." He said, making me look away. I chuckled, "Yeah, you are."


It was time to go for bed. We had already kissed the children goodnight. Jin and I were watching TV. Then he said, "I love the life we have right now." I looked over at him, and grinned, "Me too. I don't regret one thing."

I leaned in and pecked his cheek. He turned his head and kissed me. He pulled away and said, "I love you."

I kissed him once more, and pulled away, "I love you too."

The End.

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