Chapter 2: Just Another Boy

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As we head to the hall, June caught me staring at him. I quickly turned myy eyes off him and talked to Rosé nervously " So what's for lunch Rosé" she looked at me and seem to scan my face " Is there something wrongf?, your voice is shaking" she said worrily.

" I'm totally fine" I replied with a cute smile. Then I eventually turned my head back to June, I noticed that he stared me back until we reach the cafeteria on the end of the hall.

Rosé immediately approched Mrs Klein and ordered her favorite food, pasta as usual. She is a huge fan of eating pasta but do not consider it as her fave.

" And you?" Mrs Klein ask calmly, "Uhmm...Nothing I'm good" as I refuse.

We sat on the table located in the corner of the cafeteria, "So, what's with the face?" Rosé inquired, " Nah, It's nothing important" I answered.

But I was thinking of June the whole time, I imagined how his eyes were perfect as a diamond sparkling that you know how precious it was.

His lips, red as a perfectly ripened apple and his face, fair and glowing but you will notice dark circles below his eyes.

As if he's not sleeping well but it doesn't matter, in fact it adds a bad boy look to him. No wonder why he's the ultimate school crush.

"Hey! Why aren't you talking! You seem thinking so deep, What is it? "
" Nothin... before I could finish a word she talked and made me stop. " It's Molly right?" as she laugh hysterically.

"Could you please stop teasing me from Molly, It feels so annoying and creepy" as I act seriously. "C'mon J she's kind and good and Uhmmm... kind?

I laugh at her and make her to do the same. Then suddenly rings the bell and telling us that the lunch break ends.

"Let's go! Rosé" I requested and begin to stand and walk across the tables. "Wait for me J" I just rolled my eyes and continue walking.

We entered room 269, the philosophy class. My eyes widened when someone in the room entered with Mr Yang. "From now on he and his company will attending the class because of their 2 weeks suspension"

My wyes widened when I realize it was Hanbin with Chan and Dk and "Oh crap!" June was one of them.

I wonder why they are suspended but it's not the thing because they are bad boys fooling around and making out with someone.

"Hanbin Kim sit beside Nayeon you Chan go beside Mina and DK go near to
Dahyun and you Mr June sit beside the top student, no other than Jinhwan he will help you on being a good person'

My heart nearly got off my chest
as my pulse is damn fast. He roughly sit beside me and sighed heavily.

Mr Yang finally started the class and I noticed him scanning his phone again and again until Mr Yang called him and caught evryones attention.

"Mr June as I say who is the father of meditative thinking?" He was speechless and obviously surprised. "Rene Descartes" I whispered. " Uhmm "Rene Descartes Sir" he answered confidently.

"Very Well Mr Koo" he then sighed and looked relieved. My heart pound more steong as I hear him say " Thank you, you're a lifesaver" he said having a wide smile on his face.

That moment was unbelievable, I didn't expect him to talk to me. But I seriously replied "Your Welcome June"
he raised a brow and asked " You lnow my name?"

"Yes everyone in the campus knows you from the Science to the Engineering Department" I happily answered.

He smiled to me and instantly asked "So why are you staring at me earlier"
I was speechless and felt very nervous on what I'm gonna answer.

"Uhmm... Nothing I was just observing people" And turned my head into Mr Yang. "Okay" and shake his head as a sign of agreeing.

As the lesson passes by all I think was him sitting beside me and talked to me a while ago, everything was perfect.

I know this isn't normal and you're right I'm bisexual and he is just another boy that I'd loved but I think he's the most special.



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