Chapter 15: Rubber Band

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It was 12 noon and all our appointments are perfectly accomplished. We've been planning to have a great lunch to our favorite restaurant that serves chessy meals.

We all love cheese, all of us have cheesy cravings so we at the elavator to go straight on the ground floor. As we enter the lift, we saw Yunyeong, wearing a gray shirt and looked like an ordinary person with his secretary.

"Hey guys!" Yunyeong greeted us with his hands waving. "Oh hello Mr Chairman! Thank you for inviting us on the company's audition, without you we won't be part of Square Two." Rose thanked him.

Yunyeong just smiled "Nah, it's nothing, so where are you guys heading to?"

"We are gonna go to the Cheese Insider, it's our favorite restaurant Mr Chairman" Lisa answered with a shy aura.

"Just call me Yunyeong or Song if you wan't to, I'm not just Mr Chairman, I can be your friend right?"

Jennie quickly accept and praise Song, "Awe you're so cool Mr Chairman, Oh I mean Song, please join us to our lunch."

"Sure!" We are outside of the building and the air seems colder, it's autumn and leaves started to fall.

Song called us and invited to have a ride to the company's van, it was pure black and look so elegant ang comfortable inside.

We entered the van and Song sat  next to his driver slash secretary at the front seat, Me, June and Rosé sat at the second row, and the rest sat at the last row.

"It will take 20 minutes before we reach The Cheese Insider, so feel free to be comfortable guys!"

On the 20 minute ride, Rose wear her favorite headphones and play her playlist, Jennie and Lisa was looking the photos took at the photoshoot a while ago, Jisoo was aslept, Song is scanning his laptop to review the rating of their company and June and I was just staring at each other, making selfies, chatting each other even we're so close.

At last we arrived in front of the restaurant, as we opened the door we smelled the aromatic aroma of grilled cheese. So we quickly entered and choose a big table for the 8 of us including Song's secretary.

I noticed a familiar face that keeps looking at me, Oh it was Bobby, June's squad. I wonder why he's here but before I thought of anything, he aproached June.

"Hey bro!"

June was not that surprised, "Oh Hi Bobby! How are you doing? It's been so long since I last jam on you with Chan.

"I know, it's because of him right?" I was shocked when Bobby pointed me. "Nah, We understand! You're our squad, we are the one who should support you with Jinhwan." I felt relieved and smiled at Bobby awkwardly.

"So since this is your family's resto, you should give us freebies." June demanded. Oh so this is Bobby's restaurant.

We didn't notice that Song called the waiter and ordered for us, even though he's a Chairman of Square Inc. he's still humble and soft hearted.

But I wonder why he's that different from the first time I met him at the rest room, but I don't thought of that anymore.

Our food was served and Rosé was the first to eat her cheesy carbonara, I noticed that Song ordered a lot, "Uhmm Song, why did you ordered so many? this is too much for us?" Jisoo asked while eating her grilled cheese burger.

"Don't worry Jisoo, it's my treat"

"Awe, Mr Song is not just humble but he's generous!" Lisa praised Song.

He just reply with a smile. June and I started to eat and out of nowhere I asked him. "Don't you feel awkward with your older brother?"

"Nope, we're so close to each other since we're small kids, we always play at the grassland."

We're in the middle of eating when Song asked June "So June have you talk with J about your transfering school?"

My brow raised and turned my head to June, he didn't talk about this, but transfering school in college is normal I think.

"Where are you transfering to? I guess to Greenfields International College right?" June was speechless and looked so worried.

"Uh oh, I shouldn't talk about it, so who's ready for desert?" No one answered him and turned pur table into silence.

"Uhmm Sorry J, I didn't told you about this because I'm afraid." I felt confused on what he says and try to lift the aura.

"Huh? afraid? transfering school on the neighbor city will not end us"

"No J, you don't understand.Dad told a year ago that I will transfer to Australia for college."


Oh We Gonna Go!
-the last line of the song Rubber band.

I want to thank the readers especially Ivz, she has a JenLisa story called "This one's for you" by @kjn1696 Check it out guys, I'm sure you will love it.

And also Chin Mae, she is also an iKONIC!!! 안영 부렛 & 친메이


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