Chapter 24: Airplane

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My eyes got big and my voice got shaky, "Wha- what?! in your room?"
"Yeah, my room is comfortable than the guest room, you remember?" June replied. "You slept there, and my bed can fit 4 persons right?"

"I just nod and slowly turned my head to Song, he's laughing and shaking his head. "I should go, goodnight!" Song walked to the hall and go to his room.

"Goodnight!" I replied before he left us.

"So...Let's go!"

"Where?" I asked.

"To my room." I just nod and followed him. We pass the halls and we stopped at an elegant door, he opened it and turn the lights on.

His room is clean and well organized, the scent is familiar, oh it's June's perfume. I entered and sat on the corner of the bed.

He entered to the wardrobe and change his clothes to pajamas, he then handed me a pair too. "Here, you should change."

I nod and head to the bathroom, after, I spotted June scanning his laptop and lying on his bed.

"Hey June, whatcha doin'?"

"Uhmm...nothing, just some important documents." June replied while typing on his laptop.

I sat to his bed next to him and saw the document on his laptop. "Immigration process?!"

He just nod, "Oh J, are you hungry? I should get you some food." So, he quickly stood and ask me to wait for him. He also tirned on the heater on the room to have a comfty temperature.

While I'm alone on his bedroom, I scanned the whole room and it's elegant and beautiful, like the first time I slept here. I noticed something on the back of his laptop. I saw a passport and a plane ticket. "Flight 731KN Melbourne, Departing on December 11 2018, 13:00."

I was shocked and accidentally dropped the passport from my hand, I was about to get it fron the floor when tears flowed from my eyes.

As I pick the dicuments one by one, I cry and sob. June then entered the room and spotted me, he place the food on the table and ran to me.

"Hey J, what's that?" He then turned speechless when he saw the passport on my hand, he tried to pull me and stand to face me.

"Hey J, I told you, don't be sad. Everything's gonna be alright." as he wipe my tears with his fingers.

I then wiped it with my hand and try to act normally, "So, I just have exactly a month with you." I said, trying to control my shaky voice.

"Sorry, if I didn't tell you this, I know that this will just gonna hurt you." He reasoned and pulled me to have a tight hug.

"J," He called. "Yes?" I answered while hugging him back. "If I leave, you should be okay. I'll comeback, and I promise, nothing will change even if we're a thousand miles apart."

I nod "So, let's eat." June requested, he brought a bowl of carbora and a playe of mango graham, and I also saw a bottle of wine? I think...

While we're eating he started the conversation, "J, can I ask you for a favor?"

I noded "Yes, what is it?"

"Uhmm...since you know that we have a month to be together, can we just feel everyday of that month, I mean we should do things we don't do usually. We should always hang out with the squad, the happy memories are the way for me to prevent loneliness when I'm in Melbourne."

"Oh...Yeah, we just have a month," I said while eating. After couple of minutes June decanted the wine to a glass and gave it to me. "Here J"

As he handed me the glass of wine, I drank it and taste the bitterness of that liqour, my tongue felt the bitterness.

I'm a fan of drinking wine, I don't know, I just love it. We talked for hours and drink wine, we laughed, talk for hours and bond as if it's our last day together.

It's 4 am and we didn't realize that we talked that long, so we decided to sleep. He was drunk than me and just collapse on his bed.

He snore and sleep talk, I was just lying next to him and stare at him whike sleeping. His face, nose, lips everything was perfect, I chuckle everytime he sleep talk.

I was about to sleep when he moved and sleep over me. He was too heavy to lie over me so I move him.

But seconds after he did it again, I can feel the heat of his body, his well builded body and chiseled chest was kinda intimidating.

After a few more moments he sleep taked again. "Damn it's so hot." and I was surprised when he pull his shirt off and lie next to me.

My cheeks blushed and my heart pounds so strong when he pulled his pajamas off and only boxers was he wearing by now, I almost screamed when he hugged me tight.


A/N: OMG! is this the start of the mature content of the story, LOL hahaha just kidding!


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