Chapter 33: Don't Know What To Do

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15th December 


6 days from June's departure to Australia, we were happily driving to the town while listening to 2NE1's "Missing You" June made today's schedule and the first thing that we'll do is to complete the documents June has to pass, I wonder it's too late for him to pass his credentials, I thought he already completed it last year but then I didn't bother to ask.

It was 10:30 in the morning when it's our turn to submit the documents, we entered the small white chilly room and the clerk entertain us. 

After several minutes June told me to sign the end of the page for some important matters, I just jot down my signature and press my fingers to the stamp for other bio metrical infos.

After those steps we thank the clerk, "Thank you Miss!" 

"See you both in Australia!" She replied with joy, "Uhm.. i think it's just him" I persuade as the clerk was confused and just nod.


05:50 pm

We went to Jennie's house as we planned last day, it was a huge house and has a spectacular architecture, the door opened and it was a Jennie's dad with a stethoscope around his shoulders.

"Please come in" he invited with a calm voice.

We reply a nod as we enter the hallway leading to their living room.

We spotted the four girls and all the boys including Yunhyeong and secretary DK, all wearing pajamas, we're god damn surprised that we're complete and looks like we'll gonna have slumber party before June's departure.

Jennie quickly switched on the TV and searched for Netflix, we watched different genre of movies, we laugh, cry, scream out of nervous but then we talked about different things like where do we spend our college, what course will we pursue.

"Jen, what school will you apply?" I calmly asked

"Xavier Intentional" my dad prefer to go there because he personally study there, and I'm taking Political Science, my dad and I wanted me to be a lawyer someday"

"Woah.." everyone was amazed my her plan

We talked ourselves until 12midnight

Lisa will enroll on a Photography and Fine Arts College, Jichu and Rose planned to apply at Maxwell College of Arts all the boys have different plans, BI, Bobby and Chan will study on the other state to took engineering, chemical, mechanical and civil as they said, while Yunhyeong and Sec. DK will be busy on their jobs as a future CEO and Executive Secretary.

I'm so happy that all of us will have a great college plan, I was thinkng of what college will I'll enroll, Mom said that she'll took care of my enrollment, so no worries.

Now I'm just waiting for us to part ways as I expected...


3:05 am

All of them are slept except for June and I of course, we're like insane, we just stare the both of us and smile, laugh and making make face.

I'll miss all of these crazy little things we used to do...



Love y'all

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