Chapter 23: Love Me

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I was surprised then, but I didn't do anything, I just let June manage it. The falling snow became more even and almost cover our head, so after a minute we go back to the party area.

The squad wasn't on the party area, we search them and they all are in the family hall, they're playing spin the bottle.

"Hey J, c'mon join us!" BI told, so me and June sat next to Jennie and BI forming a huge circle.

Jennie spinned the botlle and point to Chan, we laugh as Chan was the first to be pointed out. "So Chan, truth or dare?" Lisa asked with a suspense tone.


"Okay! I'm gonna ask him!" Jennie excitedly said. She closed her hand and point to her mouth like she's holding a mic.

"So...Who among the girls is your type?but you could also choose to the boys if you wanted."

Chan looked at Song first before he closed his eyes, "Actually guys, about that, I have a bo-boyfriend." All of them was shocked as hell, "Jisoo almost shouted OMG but her mouth was blocked by Rosé's hand.

Jennie gulped and continued the game, ", the boyfriend you're telling, is it part of the squad?"

Chan quickly answered. "It's Song" Everyone looked at Song and he just winked at us and smiled. "I hope you understand guys, especially Bobby and BI." Chan explained.

Bobby and BI chuckled, "Why didn't you tell us about this?" Bobby asked carefully. "I think because you think we won't understand, Chan...we're you're bestfriends, your squad, you're like a brother to us. So it's totally okay to us."
BI told, "In fact, these days...we're feeling something between Song and you, so...we're not that surprised."

Chan nod and smiled, he looked relieved now and can breathe normally. "So, 3 relationship in a squad, who else?" I joked.

Bobby and BI counted and seemed to be confused, "3? it's J and June, Chan and Song...Hmmm...then who else?" Bobby asked with a raised brow.

Jennie and Lisa raised their hand, the two was surprised, "Woah, you're girlfriends?" BI asked as if he can't believe.

"Yeah!" Lisa replied with a cute smile on her lips. "Oh...oka- Okay!" Bobby said.

"Okay guys...who else? the confession is open!" Song excitedly said. I notice the two, Rosé and Jisoo, looking and signing at each other.

Jisoo raised her hand, "Me!".

"And?" I asked, everyone was waiting for her answer but the hotseat was over when Rosé shouted, "it's me!"

Even me was surprised, I thought she was straight, but that's not the big deal, I love her and I will be her bestfriend no matter what.

"So, We have JenLisa, ChanYu, JunHwan and ChaeSoo!" DK pointed one by one.

"Can I call this squad as LGBT squad." DK joked while laughing. Everyone chuckled and Jennie looked at Bobby, "So...Bobby! the confession is open!" Jennie shouted while hysterically laughing.

"Oh...Bobby and BI?" Jisoo asked. "You two are boyfriends too?"

"No! Eeeeww!" Booby and BI simunteanously said. Jennie laughed harder, "Ayyiee! Bobby and HanBob!"

Everyone laughed and tease the two. Time passed by laughter and some chit chat, we didn't notice that it's almost 12 midnight.

"J, by the way, I asked your Mom for you to sleep here in the house and she says it's okay!" June told.

Jennie looked at us with her sharp eyes, "Hmm...the next show is R-18!" Jennie laughed as she joked around.

Everyone in the squad started to tease us, "Ayiee! Song! you should watch this to closely." Chan told.

"You're insane guys! that's crazy!" I defended. "Awee! don't worry J that's normal to have a birthday se-...celebration!" Bobby hysterically laughed with DK.

"Yeah, that's normal" June said. I glared at him, "Of course it's normal to have a birthday celebration." June clarified while laughing.

Laughter filled the whole room, after couple of minutes, the huge clock rang, telling that it's 12 midnight.

So everyone decided to go home, Me, June and Song escorted them to their parking lot. "It's late guys, I should give you a ride straight to you houses." Song   
suggested. Everyone agreed, so Song called their family's driver.

After the driver ask on where is their home, they ride and waved at us. "Bye!! Enjoy your birthday se- celebration!" Jennie shouted.

Me, June and Song decided to go inside, "So, Song where are your guest room?" I asked him.

"Huh? guest room? Oh..." Song was interupted by June's huge voice. "He's sleeping in my room."


Happy iKONIC Selca Day co-iKONICS🖤

Shipper talaga ng JunHwan nag type ng english lyrics ng Just Go😂

Shipper talaga ng JunHwan nag type ng english lyrics ng Just Go😂

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