Chapter 14: Rhythm Ta

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After an hour, We head to the campus as a call from Rosé's phone drawed our attention. "Uhmm Hello may I know who am I speaking to?"

"Oh that's wonderful OMG! thank you so much! Bye!" I assume that's from Yunyeong's secretary.

Well I'm right, Rosé was so happy when the call ended and can't believe that we will audition to Square Two.

"Save the date, the audition is on Saturday at Square Two Building.

Jisoo sighed heavily "I'm scared, what if they reject me?"
"Of course they won't reject you, your voice is special and the panel will surely love it.

"Me and Lisa also have a photoshoot on Saturday at Square One, let's meet and cheer each other!" Jennie suggested.
"Yeah that's a great idea, since Square One and Square Two is at the same building."

"Okay, then let's meet at Saturday at the second floor of the building, where the audition is, June we should be there to support them."

"Sure, I will pick you up at 6 " June replied. "Awe, that's so sweet!" Jennie cheered.


Tiit tiit tiit!!! I almost broke the alarm clock as I hit it so hard. I stood up and took a bath, I wear a gray sweatshirt and ripped jeans.

I go downstaires and ate my breakfast, after a couple if minutes, June arrived at the house with his Matte black car. He formally greeted my parents and told that I will be at the Square Inc. to support our friends.

My parents instantly say yes and we, rode the car and drive smoothly, after an hour, we arrived at the main entrance of the Square Inc.

As we got out of the car, the staffs quickly greeted us "Good morning Mr Vice Chairman!" I quickly turned my head to June and thought that he's a Vice Chairman of Square Inc. and that's so cool!

It's like you're on a K-Drama and your boyfriend is the CEO. Everyone in the building greeted him as soon as we pass the halls and lifts.

Finally we saw Rosé and Jisoo at the waiting area, they looked nervous and tense but I quickly calm Rosé down. "Relax Rosé they will surely love your voice, you and Jisoo."

"Thanks J"

Jennie and Lisa then arrived and cheered the two auditionees, then a low voice caught our attention, "Rosé Park and Jisoo Kim, you are next so please be ready"

"OMG! it's now our turn" Jisoo told tensely. After the auditionees left the room, Rosé and Choo entered and we don't know what is happening inside.

We waited a couple of minutes and finally, they left the room with joy and excitement in their face. "So how's the audi-.

"We're in! The panel said that our performance cause their chills and goosebumps, so we are official part of Square Inc!" as Rosé happily told what happened.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Congrats Rose and Choo!" Jennie cheer up.

"So, Let's go to the Square one office, the photoshoot will start soon." Lisa excitedly suggested.

So we use the elevator to go on the 4th floor of the building where the photoshoot takes place.

As we entered a white room full of different cameras and fancy lightings, the main photographer called Jennie and Lisa to change their clothes in the dressing room.

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