Chapter 21: B-Day

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November 11 2018, it's my birthday! I woke up with such a good aura. I wish this is a perfect day for me and for the rest of my friends.

It's already 7 when I checked my phone, my childhood friends and classmates from elementary days greeted me through text messages and online chat.

Jennie and Jisoo was the first in my squad who greeted me, and after a few minutes Rosé followed. I scrolled in my news feed and and I was surprised when I saw my face on the post of the page of Square Inc.

"Happy Birthday Jinhwan Kim greetings from Square Inc."

I knew that it was Song's idea, he has the access to post some info to his company's official page. I notice that everyone in the comment section ask who is that guy? the page replied "He's one of Square Inc model.

Awe, that makes me so flattered, and they consider me as a model, well that's cool! By the way I saw a post from Bobby's account.

"Happiest Birthday J! We wish you all the best and hope to last your relationship with June forever, well that's so cheesy."
-Chan, Bobby, BI and Secretary DK

After a couple of minutes I decided to go downstairs to have breakfast, Mom was cooking and Dad was reading newspaper with a cup of coffee on his side. They are preparing for a busy work day.

"Oh honey, Happy Birthday my dear, you're 18 now!" Mom greeted then hug me for a second. "Dad smiled at me and greeted me with a nice aura. "Happy Birthday J, you're now 18 and you're small." he laughed and Mom can't even tease her laughter, "Nah, that's a joke J, your Mom and I love you more the world could ever give, no matter what."

"Awee, that was so chessy, but thanks Mom, Dad for loving me as myself. You're the best parents, I guarantee that." After Mom served breakfast, it was an american breakfast with a hint of fruity flavor.

It was my fave bluebberry creamcheese pancake with an americano coffee, it look so special, the serving was very attractive and it smell so nice, I could eat this my whole life.

While I'm enjoying my meal someone texted me, "On the way there J" -June

I then quickly finish my meal and ran to my bathroom to clean myself, it took a couple of minutes before I finish, I scan my closet and pick that cute black sweatshirt and black jeans.

I was walking downstairs when I saw June, sitting on the sofa and talking to Mom silently. "Oh hey J" June smiled.

"So, where are we going?"

"Somewhere, we're on a birthday date, Uhmm... birthdate!" He chuckled and pulled my hand to him. "Let's go!"

I gently nod and followed him as he pull my hand to him, We ride his car and drive. It took an hour before we arrived, "Square Inc? What are we doing here?" I asked out of my curiousity.

"We'll have your birthday photoshoot, and it's the company's treat for you."

"Oh really?! Woah that's cool! The company will do that for me?" I asked with excitement on my bright face.

"Of course, you're the boyfriend of soon to be Chairman and you're also a good friend to the soon CEO of the company, Song." June explained with a wide smile on his face. "C'mon let's go!"

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