Chapter 29: Climax

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*Kringgg! kringgg! kringgg!* A loud sound coming fom the side table, Oh it's June's alarm clock, it's 10 am and I woke up so damn late.

I looked at June and stared at him while he's sleeping, both naked and covered with a single blanket, I kissed him secretly and it made him woke up.

He smiled to me and looked at the clock, "It's 10" I nod "And..."

I remember that it's friday, and we have classes. I sat on the bed and tap June, "June! we have classes." He raised his brows and think for a moment before he realized that we're damn late for school.

So he stood up from the bed, naked and made a call from the company, I don't know what's that for but I didn't mind, what I bother is that, he was naked walking around as normal as hell.

After he ended the call, he grab my hand and pulled me off his bed, "What are you doing? where are we going?!"

"We're late, and we should be rushed, so we should take a bath." I waa confused on what he said. "What?! We?"

"Yeah!" so he pulled me to the bathroom and bathe as normal as possible, I was shaking even we had hot shower, I don't know, but I feel weird.

After we finished, someone knocked on the door, He opened it and it's DK, he was confused when he saw us both wearing towels.

June grab DK handed him and quickly close the door, "Here, you should wear this." As he handed me brand new clothes from Square.

I quickly wear it as soon as possible, he opened his wardrobe and picked warm clothes.

We walked pass the hall and skip breakfast, his parent weren't around I saw DK preparing the van for Song.

We ride June's car and drove to the school campus, He pass by a drive thru and ordered burgers and iced coffee for our late breakfast.

While driving I ate the burgers and handed June some of it, eating while driving to our school. He parked his car and got off the vehicle.

I use the car's side mirror when I noticed that I looked pale and haggard with thise eye bags, June as well got the same look. So I just wear my face mask and walk with him to the hall.

As we entered Mr Yang's class, he scolded, "You're very early for lunch Mr Koo and Mr Kim!" Everyone looked at us including Rosé, who was sitting on her table.

"Sorry Mr Yang, we overslept." I quickly reasoned without thinking, "We?!" Mr Yang asked with his raised brows. "We overslept? so you two sleep together?"

Everyone laughed and stared at us more strange. I tap my head and wish that I shouldn't talk. "Okay, just take your seats!" June grab my hand and sat next to Rosé, "J! what just happened?" Rosé quietly asked.

"I'll explain later."

June was totally that affected by our classmates and act normally, he got that hundred percent confidence that I could not do. He just throw a grin in my classmates and turn his sight to me.

The whole class turns to a tense one, because some of my classmates keep on  turning their heads to us, which makes me uncomfortable.


As we walk the halls I carefully explained Rosé what happened, but not everything of course.

"So, why did you sleep on June's?" Rosé asked, "Uhmm...because he told me so," then he turned his head to me and smiled.

"So, what happened?"

I chuckled before I could answer her, "Uhmm...Nothing,"

Rosé asked again, this tine she seem to insist me to tell her, "Are you sure that nothing happened?"

"Nope, we just slept from tiredness." I answered without looking her, "Don't worry J, I understand if you wanted to told me." as she tap my head carefully.

"You're funny Rosé" June said while laughing, We head to the canteen and eat our lunch.

While eating lunch, me and June was discussing everything about what we'll do for the our last two weeks together.
We jot down some past times like, driving to the city at midnight, having our first recording together as an artist to Square Inc and so much more.


Time passed so fast, and I'm happy that every single day, we do our bucketlist together, it's 8 of December, it's snowing so hard, Me and June have 3 more days together.

Saturday, and for today we'll going to a normal date today, as normal as possible. I tease myself from being emotional everytime I realize that we have no time left.



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