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Richie was sitting on his steps worryingly waiting for his Dad to get home. That's when he saw his Dads car pull into he street and into his drive. He could already hear his Dad yelling about how his job sucked. When Richie's Dad got out of the car he was now yelling about how he was going to beat Richie he stormed off into the house knocking Richie of the steps now Richie following behind his Dad into the house.


Isa sat on plopped on her bed listening to 80's pop while tapping her feet against her bed frame. When she got bored of that she walked down stairs grabbed an apple went outside and sat on her front steps looking at the sky which was many shades of pink, orange and, yellow. She heard a door open and slam shut but decided to ignore it. She squinted her eyes now trying to make out the figure in front of her.

"Richard? Jesus Christ what happened to you?"
Isa said worried for the well structured but skinny boys well being. He had bruises and scratches all over him.

"Oh, nothing just fell down the stairs." Richie said rubbing the back of his neck. Richie followed Isa into her house and up the stairs.

"I know you're lying. You can't fool me I know you better then anyone." Isa replied. While walking into the washroom and getting the first aids kit the was in one of the cabinets above her sink.

"Why can't you believe my like everyone else does!" Richie yelled getting annoyed at Isa tears in his eyes.

"Because I'm your best friend I know when you're lying Richard, so now what happened?!" Isa practically yelled while grabbing Richie's face

"Ouch!" Richie yelled as tears were rolling down his eyes. "Well I may have ran into my Dads fist a few times." Ritchie replied sobbing  " I'm sorry Isa but I need to go home." Richie mumbled softly

"What if your Dad hits you again?" Asked Isa now tears rolling down her face as well.

"I promise he won't." Said Richie with trust in his voice that made Isa believe him.

As Richie walked out the door he yelled in a horrible British accent "Bye matey!"

"Bye!" Yelled Isa as the door slammed shut.

And when Richie got into his house his Dad was sitting in his chair waiting for Richie and again Richie got beat. After his Dad beat him he ran up to his room and cried him self to sleep.

Sorry I know not the longest but just a little introduction to the story so I hope you guys like it😬👍💗

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