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Eddie's note from Richie.

Hey Ed's So how life treating you I don't even know if your still alive I'm writing this two weeks after you were said to have cancer if you're still alive I'm pretty sure you and Bill are dating and if not DAMIT. Anyway here's why I did it I could stand watching you suffer I cried every night. Even though I knew it might hurt you guys I had to end my suffering I was cutting everything my wrist ached and I wasn't eating again. And if  you're cured from cancer at this time oh god I feel stupid but it was for my own good. Trust me I'm in a better place then where I was before I'm probably sitting on a throne somewhere getting grapes fed to me. Who knows you might be dead with my eating grapes on our throne.

Eddie I have to say the best things I've ever done with you were swimming in the pool and you making me eat and it working. I'm sorry that you had to do that and I'm sorry I made you cry and I'm sorry for everything wrong I did to you because you don't deserve one part of it you deserve the world. I'm sorry that I didn't ask you for help but you weren't strong enough to support you let alone me. Now Ed's please forgive me and just forgive me that's all I ask of you. Anyways I should get going hear you guys coming up stairs but just know that I love you and would do anything for you. Bye Ed's love you.

Sadly Eddie never got to read his note but the losers did.

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