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At one in the morning Richie sat on the bathroom floor sliding the razor blade across the his thighs just so the losers wouldn't notice. Richie had no idea why he cut maybe the pain he experienced before and is just no used to it  or just for the plain reason of just doing it, he didn't know. Standing up Richie could feel the hissing pain in his legs which made his eyes water. Richie put everything away then walked down the hall. He could feel the weakness in his legs he hadn't eaten for five days. Walking into the room Richie barely made it to the bed before collapsing onto it making Stan wake up.

"Richie What are you doing?" Asked Stan still half asleep.

"Oh I was just going to the washroom." Said Richie in a shaky voice before passing out.

Stan brushed off and thought Richie was just really tried and went back to sleep. Stan woke up about an hour later to hearing thumping down the hallway. He looked at the clock to see it was two in the morning and got up to see what it was. Walking to the hall Stan saw Richie laying in the same position as he fell asleep in. Entering the hallway Stan saw the glowing light from the bathroom. When he peaked into the washroom he saw Eddie face down in the toilet throwing up. Stan didn't know what to do so ran back to his bedroom and woke up Richie. It took him awhile.

"Rich wake up Eddie is throwing up in the bathroom." Mumbled Stan.

Richie sat up needing Stan help then limped down the hall way feeling the pain in his legs. Half way down the hallway Richie collapsed and started crying. Eddie heard this and ran out into the hall way to where Richie was laying on the ground. By this time Bill and Mike were up too. Eddie now not feeling sick anymore cradled Richie in his arms. Bill walked over and started calming down Richie while Stan was playing with Richie's hair. Mike had already gone back to bed. Richie Cried for only five more minutes the losers not knowing why.

"Rich what's up?" Asked Bill.

"I wanna talk to Eddie." Said Richie.

"Okay." Smiled Bill and Stan.

Bill and Stan went off to Bill's room and Eddie and Richie went off to Richie's room.

"Eddie I haven't ate for five days and I just don't know if I can put up with my self anymore." Said Richie with a shaky voice trying not to cry.

"Rich I know you can you're strong and I don't know what the fuck I would do without you." Smiled Eddie holding Richie's hand.

The two boys talked about Richie's father Eddie's mother and many mor topics. The two talked so much the fell asleep while talking. Stan walked over to his room seeing Eddie and Richie sleeping, so he walked back over to Bill's room and laid down there.

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