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Richie was sitting on the couch texting Lucas who was still in their home town and was coming back on Wednesday. When he heard whispering coming from the kitchen. Being the noisy ass person that he was he started listening in to what they were saying. He could make out Mike and Stan's.

"I'm just saying that Richie is more vulnerable then the rest of us." Whispered Stan.

"Well I get what your talking about but we should still treat him normally." Said Mike who was now talking.

"Well I've been treating him like a toddler ever since his car crash I always knew he was vulnerable and would need more attention then others." Mumbled Stan.

"He hasn't noticed holy crap." Laughed Mike regretting it after.

Richie walked into the kitchen pretending not to hear anything that they said grabbing a bottle of water then walking out of the kitchen wanting to confront Stan. Richie walked upstairs into Eddie's room where he was walking TV.

"Hey Rich!" Piped out Eddie.

All Richie did was sit down on the floor and start rocking back and forth. Eddie started to panic not knowing what was happening so he sat next to Richie rubbing his back.

"Rich you okay?" Asked Eddie.

"I am fucking vulnerable." Cried Richie.

"What Rich who said that?" Frowned Eddie.

"Stan did and now look at me, Jesus!" Screamed Richie.

"Richie you are vulnerable. You're more vulnerable then all of us." Said Eddie in a firm voice.

"What!" Shouted Richie looking at Eddie.

"Rich I'm not saying it's a bad thing it's apart of you and it amazing." Smiled Eddie.

"But." Said Richie being confused.

"Rich what I'm saying is you always, while at least since I met you and I love that about you." Said Eddie.

"But why?" Asked Richie.

"I don't Rich it just something I admire about you." Laughed Eddie.

"What do you mean before I met you?" Asked Richie tears flowing down his face.

"I mean before your mother passed on and everything happen." Mumbled Eddie.

"I wasn't as vulnerable. I was quiet mainly but when my Mother passed away I became the woman of the family I guess and then my Father happened and I guess I got even more vulnerable." Sobbed Richie tripping over his words.

Eddie shot up from where he was sitting and stormed off downstairs into the kitchen where Stan was sitting eating a sandwich.

"What the hell Stan!" Screamed Eddie, "Do you even know why Richie is so vulnerable I get for the few reason you think he is but did you ever think of there could be another reason!"

"No." Stuttered Stan looking at Richie who was standing behind Eddie.

"Well when his Mother passed away he felt like he had to be the woman of the house to even it out then his Dad started to beat him which made him more vulnerable!" Shouted Eddie not taking a breath.

"Oh." Said Stan.

Only moment Stan ran to Richie hugging him drowning him in apology's. Richie laughed and assured Stan it was okay. Eddie also apologized to Stan for yelling at him which deep down he was really proud of. The three hugged for a few minutes then sat down in the living watching TV for a few hours until it was supper the losers had order pizza. Richie took two pieces then sat down at the counter Richie spent ten minutes looking a it until finally he decided to eat it. He did and it tasted so good until it started coming up Richie ran to the washroom falling to the bathroom floor violently throwing it back up. Bill ran to the washroom moments after Richie did and started rubbing his back. After Richie was done throwing up he flushed the toilet and hugged Bill.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't do it." Said Richie.

"It's fine Richie you tried and that's all that matter. Do you wanna go on a walk with me?" Asked Bill.

"Uh yeah sure." Said Richie running out of the bathroom to grab his coat they only went on a short walk due to Bill not feeling well but it was a good walk.

When they got back Richie just went straight up to his room laying down in his bed staring at the ceiling until he feel asleep. When he woke up Stan was laying next to him and Max was at their feet. Richie looked at the clock it was 2:43 with in a matter of seconds Richie spring out of bed running to the washroom throwing up he hugged the toilet. Then flushed it waking back he dragged his feet across the floor boards trying to make the least noise as possible. Richie ladies down in his bed and cuddled up to Stan falling asleep in a matter of minutes.

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