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⚠️cutting, attempted suicide⚠️

Richie sat in the bathroom crying. He had already made seven cuts on his wrists. When Max walked into the bathroom to see Richie sitting on the floor crying blood dripping down his wrist. Max started licking Richie's wrist. Richie winced from the pain. Max lead Richie downstairs to Stan. Max now barking Stan picked up the crying boy. Richie tried to his his wrist but Stan noticed and grabbed it.

"What the fuck Rich!" Yelled Stan.

"I'm sorry Stan." Sobbed Richie.

"There's no sorry just go ugh!" Shouted Stan as he dropped Richie on the ground and ran up to his room crying.

Everyone followed Stan upstairs thinking Richie was just being a bitch to Stan. When everyone got to Stan he was sitting his bed crying.

"Stan what happened?" Asked Ben.

"It was Richie he was being a bitch wasn't he!" Implied Eddie.

All Stan could do was cry so Eddie ran downstairs already yelling at Richie not even knowing what he did or if he did anything. When he walked in the kitchen all he saw was Richie curled up on the ground.

"What the fuck Rich. You did something to Stan and you're being the baby!" Yelled Eddie.

Eddie walked up to Richie. He wasn't even awake which made Eddie even more mad.

"Richie get up!" Yelled Eddie, "Rich seriously this isn't a joke get up! Holy fuck!"

"What is happening in here Eddie bear." Asked Bill as he walked into the kitchen.

"R-rich pil-ls." Stuttered Eddie.

Bill saw what was happening and ran upstairs to get the losers. "Guys get the hell down here!" Yelled Bill. And ran back down the stairs. When everyone saw what was happening Mike carried Richie out to the truck and Eddie, Bill and Mike rushes to the hospital. Stan still upstairs crying.

Derry Maine// StoizerWhere stories live. Discover now