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Beverly was having the twins in month all the losers were so excited. Though Eddie was getting a lot more sick and had to be hospitalized. He had already been hospitalized for a week now.

"Stan do think Eddie will survive?" Asked Bill.

"Bill it's the difference between the right answer and the honest answer. Now going with the right answer yes, yes he will, but the honest answer I really don't think he has a great chance maybe a few more weeks left." Frowned Stan as tears formed in his eyes.

"Okay." Sighed Bill as he walked into the kitchen where Richie was listening to the conversation.

"If Eddie really has only a few weeks left what are you going to do after?" Asked Richie.

"Rich I don't know and Eddie's still alive and who knows maybe he will survive." Sniffed Bill.

Richie walked out of the kitchen and out the front door where he got into the truck and drove to the hospital where Eddie laid as pail as ever.

"I love you Ed's, oh god just please stay with us." Cried Richie as Eddie was asleep.

On his side table Eddie had balloons, sweets, and stuffed animals. Richie sat in the chair next to the bed and laid his head on Eddie's arm listening to the heart monitor. Richie sat there for two hours before getting up and leaving. Richie stumbled out of the room head pounding from crying. As he got into his car he felt a truck load of guilt wave over him for leaving Eddie. Richie drove home in silence wanting no Morley than Eddie.

"Hey Rich." Smiled Beverly as came through the door.

"Hey." Mumbled Richie walking upstairs into the washroom and locking the door behind himself.

Richie got out one of his blades and cut a huge slit all around his wrist he did this about five times before Stan knocked at the door having to go to the washroom.

"Yeah I'll be out in a second." Quivered Richie trying not to cry.

"Okay Rich." Said Stan in a Soft voice.

Richie flushed the toilet then washed he wrist. When he walked out of the washroom he fell into Stan's arms sobbing.

"Rich what wrong?" Asked Stan.

"Eddie." Sobbed Richie.

"I'm know it's hard but he'll make it I promise." Smiled Stan.

"That's not what you said to Bill why won't you just tell me what you honestly think not want I want to hear!" Screamed Richie.

"Rich because you're so sensitive and I don't want to hurt you." Frowned Stan.

Richie gave up started sobbing into Stan's shoulder. Stan picked him up and carried him to their room where both boys cried for five minutes before Beverly and Ben came in and started crying moments later Mike came in with tears running down his face and only a minute later Bill came in sobbing the six sat there for hours crying about Eddie or even different things but all of them were hurt in some way. They all felt like they were alone but had a presence with them and that's because Eddie was with them.

"We need to go to the hospital!" Screamed Richie.

Richie ran down the stairs and everyone followed they all got into the truck Bill driving when the got to the hospital they all followed Richie throughout the hallways until the got to Eddies room where it was silent. Richie opened the door to see a nurse sitting on the phone.

"Where is Eddie!" Screamed Richie.

"Oh my I was just calling you now please all take a seat." Frowned the nurse all the losers knew what they coming, "Eddie, has past away." Everyone burst out into tears so strong that they were screaming. "He's in room D45."

The losers ran all the way down the hall where they stopped at room D45 Bill slowly opened the door to see Eddie laying on a bed with purple lips. In that moments all the memories of Edie rushed through everyone's mind. Everyone was screaming. They all cried for hours they nurses said they could sleep there so they did. Right next to Eddie feeling no warmth no nothing just empty ness. Every losers had a dream about Eddie their best memories with him they all shared them in the morning. At about ten in the morning they were asked to leave as the left they all felt a wave of guilt over them when they got home they all cried for two days nothing else but cried. They did talk at point agreeing that they were no longer the losers.

Next chapter is going to be the last chapter just to let you know.

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