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Seven years after Richie and Eddie died.

After Richie and Eddie died Mike went over to Lucas's house to let him know. Everyday they talked and eventually they started dating and they other day after dating for five years of dating Mike proposed to Lucas and now the are a happily married couple.

Three years after Richie and Eddie died Ben and Beverly had another kid and her name was Avery. Richie and Eddie are now seven and are yet to know why their named. Avery is four and already argues with her brothers. They still live in the same house and Richie and Eddie stay in Richie and Stan's old room.

After Richie and Eddie died Bill mourned for three years then went out on a date with someone named Ricky they hit if off and are still dating. Bill never talks about his old friend group but thinks about them a lot.

After Richie and Eddie died Stan stayed in the house for a year before getting an apartment.  Stan went to college and got a degree in writing later on he wrote a book and it got published across the world Stan hasn't had a lover since Richie he has had little dates that went now where but he hasn't loved someone.

And Eddie and Richie are now sitting and there thrones getting fed grapes and swimming in the clouds. Though no one ever talks about them anymore just thinks.

That was the end how did you guys like it. I don't think it was too bad. Just to let you know I'm going to be writing another book just no IT or anything like that in it if you guys are interested in that. Other then that tell me what you thought about that and maybe I'll do another IT themed fan fiction. That was IT bye.👋🥳💗

Derry Maine// StoizerWhere stories live. Discover now