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Richie could hear screaming from downstairs he could tell it was Bev due to it being height pitched. Richie jumped down the stair missing on causing him to tumble down the rest. Richie got up historically laughing at himself. Bev was sitting in the couch cuddling up against Ben.

"Hey why are you screaming?" Asked Richie.

"We already told the losers this morning but me and Ben are having a baby!" Squealed Beverly.

"What that's awesome I can't believe that!" Screamed Richie.

"Yeah I know we just found out three months ago we wanted to make sure it was official until we told you guys." Smiled Ben.

"I can't wait. And congratulations." Said Richie walking out of the room.

Richie ran back upstairs walking into Eddie's room. When he opened the door he saw Eddie sitting in the bed crying.

"Ed's what's wrong?" Asked Richie.

"Go away!" Screamed Eddie sending Richie running out of the room tears forming in his eyes.

Richie grabbed his phone and ran out the front door walking to the park thinking of what could have happened to Eddie or what he had done. Richie walking just at the opening path of the park he saw no one in the park he couldn't think why no one would be in the park it was a nice day in Derry. Richie ran to one of the benches and sat down curling up into a ball and just sat there. At that time Richie was thinking about how the only person that cared about his problems was Eddie but he was the only one that knew about them. After about an hour of sitting on the bench Richie walked back to the house and when he entered the house he felt his knees weaken and his eyes flood with tears. Richie was crying so hard that he was screaming. Bill could hear this from the living room and walked over to see what was happening. He saw nothing but could hear someone running up the stairs he thought it was just Richie being dramatic again but thought it would be best to check on him to make sure he was okay. So Bill started upstairs looking into Richie and Stan's room he saw nothing but Stan sleeping carrying on throughout the rooms he finally found Richie kneeling on the floor and banging in the his bedroom door where Bill and Eddie shared a room.

"Hey Rich. What's wrong?" Asked Bill picking the light boy up.

"Eddie is mad at me and he won't open the door." Sobbed Richie.

"Hey Eddie open the door." Said Bill.

"Fine." Snarled Eddie being muffled by the door.

Eddie open the door seeing Richie being held by Bill who was quiet skinny and could barely hold Eddie. More and more tear flowed down Eddie's face making it look like waterfall. Bill placed Richie down on his bed and both Eddie and Bill cuddled Richie like he was there baby. Richie thought he couldn't have any better friends than the people in this house who cared for him so much he'd known them for four years and lived with them for three. After Richie's crying fit Stan walked in taking Richie off the bed carrying him downstairs.

"I love you Stan." Said Richie. As Stan flicked on the TV.

"I love you too Richie." Smiled Stan cuddling on next to Richie.

They rest of the losers came in as waves first Bill and Eddie who were once again dating, Ben and Beverly then Mike who came in with Max and a bowl of popcorn.

"Um... I have something to tell you guys." Said Richie smiling at Eddie. "I have been cutting for quiet a while some of you have known this but I have also been starving myself."

This made Stan burst into tears. The rest of the losers all had Frowned on their face.

"Why?" Asked Miked.

"I don't know I just felt like I don't deserve to be here with you guys." Said Richie a few tears strolling down his face.

"Rich we love you and I don't know what would make you think you don't deserve us? We don't deserve you." Smiled Stan sadly.

"I love you guys." Laughed Richie laying back against Stan.

"We love you too!" Shouted Eddie trying to knock the sense into Richie.

Richie laughed and the losers went back to watching TV knowing something new about Richie and that he was more vulnerable then the rest of them.

I just want you guys to know I'm not doing the warnings at the start of each chapter just because I think it's ruining it so yeah just wanted to let you know. Bye👋

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