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Richie sat on the couch singing to Eddie while all the losers were out at the grocery store. Eddie loved Richie's singing so much that if Eddie ever got married he wanted Richie to play. Eddie hummed along to the music. Richie quite liked it when Eddie hummed along sometime even sang under his breath. While singing Richie stopped playing his guitar then stopped singing to hear Eddie's voice. It pierced the air it was so gorgeous. Eddie blushes then giggled.

"Ed's your voice is so beautiful." Smiled Richie.

"Thanks." Replied Eddie who was smiling back at Richie.

"I know what we do!" Piped out Richie.

"Oh god what?" Asked Eddie.

"We should do a duo." Said Richie.

"Nope." Said Eddie while shaking his head.

"Please Eddie bear." Whined Richie.

"Okay fine! But you not calling me Eddie bear anymore." Said Eddie.

So the boys sat there for about ten minutes deciding what song and how to split it up. After that Richie started to play his guitar and sing Eddie followed sometime singing with Richie and sometimes alone. The losers walked in while this was happening and were amazed by how good the two boys were. The losers sat there for hour listening to the two sing. When it was about nine o'clock Beverly called everyone into the kitchen since she had made pancakes. Richie walked upstairs not being never being hungry in-fact. Stan followed behind him. The two put some sweats and a
T-shirt on then hopped into bed.

"Hey Rich why don't you ever sing with me?" Asked Stan. 

"Well you not very good I can hear you in the shower you know." Laughed Richie.

"You're so mean, but you know I love you." Smiled Stan.

"Love you too." Giggled Richie.

Until eleven the boys talked about randomness as Max jumped all over them like they were a trampoline.

Derry Maine// StoizerWhere stories live. Discover now