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Ding, ding! Richie heard his phone ding.

Unknown: Hey Rich this is Lucas from high school. I heard you moved Derry and I'm here with my aunt for the week wanna get together.

Richie: Yeah sure where do you want to meet?

Unknown: How about the park?

Rich: That's perfect meet you there in 15?

Unknown: Yeah sounds good see ya.

With that Richie grabbed his backpack and head out to the park. When he got there he saw Lucas standing by one of the bench's Richie ran over to him and into his arms.

"Lucas!" Yelled Richie, "I haven't seen you in so long."

"I missed you Rich." Said Lucas.

"I missed you too." Replied Richie.

"You've gotten much skinnier since I saw you last Rich. Are you eating?" Asked Lucas.

"Oh I haven't noticed. And yes I have." Lied Richie.

The boys sat down on the bench and talked and talked for hours. Richie told him about everything and so did Lucas. His aunts house was on a block from the park. It was about three o'clock when Richie got a call from Stan.

"Hey Stan." Said Richie.

"Richie were the hell are you?!" Yelled Stan.

"I'm out at the park." Stuttered tears forming in his eyes.

"Hey Rich what's wrong." Asked Lucas.

Stan could hear Lucas voice from the other side and started yelling a million questions at Richie, " Who the hell is that?! Are cheating on me!?"

"It's a friend from my home town." Mumbled Richie tears streaming down his face.

"Get home now!" Screamed Stan than hung up.

Richie crumbled to the ground face in his hand tears streaming down his face. Lucas grabbed Richie.

"Rich it's fine okay I promise." Whispered Lucas.

The two boys stood there for two minutes before Richie said he had to go and ran home. When Richie got into the door Stan hugged him.

"Sorry Rich I was just worried about you and have ever since what happened." Said Stan.

"It's okay Stan." Mumbled Richie into Stan's shoulder.

"Okay." And with that Stan was off to the kitchen.

"Hey Trashmouth how was hanging out with hanging out with Lucas?" Asked Eddie. Eddie had been the only person treating Richie normally since the incident.

"Good we had lots of fun." Said Richie.

"But not as much fun as we had in the pool the other day right." Joked Eddie.

"Well... ." Laughed Richie.

Eddie laughed and punched Richie in the shoulder lightly.

"Oh I love you Trashmouth." Said Eddie.

"Not as much as your Mom loved me last night." Laughed Richie.

"Beep beep Richie." Said Eddie.

"Love you too Ed's." Mocked Richie.

Derry Maine// StoizerWhere stories live. Discover now