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Beverly's not from Richie.

Hey Bev how was giving birth? I'm solid wit was horrible but now you gave two little baby boys I wish I was there to see them but I'm sure I can see them from where I am. I can't believe you're a Mom with two boys. Have they drove you crazy yet?

I remember when I first moved into this house you greeted me at the door with you bright curly red hair and then of course you had to introduce me to the losers when I was a crying hot mess but I'm glad you did because I would have been dead a lot quicker. Continuing with death you don't need to worry about why I did  kill myself all you need to know is that I'm in a better place now. I remember you and me watching all those cheesy movies and you laughing at the line, "I'm in a better place now." But I'm sure I am. I hope you go on to do what you love and I hope your two boys have a wonderful life. Bye Beverly I love you even though you have a boyfriend Love you.

The second Beverly got the note she read it and continues to read in when she feels alone or scared. She does sometime laugh at the end.

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