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Mike's note from Richie.

Mike I was never close to you but we did have some good moments together. I remember one day you and me both walked Max over to the park. Now I'm going to tell you something about since you always told me something about you every week and begged me to tell you something about me.

Well here it is, there are a few things. When I was dating Bill a had a crush on you and when I ran off to the park about two weeks from when you're reading this I was forced to suck someone's dick also I cut for a period of time I don't know if you know this by now but I cut since I was ten until well up until my death. I don't know how I did it but know it was for a good reason now you don't need to know what that is but it was a good reason.

So please don't be sad because I'm much happier where I am now. Mike I've always admired you and I hope you go on to do something amazing with your life. Bye Mike I love you.
P.S I think my middle name is Trashmouth.

Sincerely Dead Richard Trashmouth Toizer

Mike cried over this for weeks he was like the Mom of the house how did he not know Richie was harming himself.

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