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The losers had decided to go out for dinner for Beverly's and Eddie's birthdays which were close together. They had chosen to go to the Keg. They were almost there just five minutes away. Finally when the arrived a waiter placed them at a table.

"This is a nice place." Eddie said more to himself.

"What are you going to get Stan?" Asked Richie.

"I think a steak." Replied Stan.

The waiter interrupted them. "Hello What would you guys like to drink?" Asked the waiter. Every gave their answers. "And are we ready to order the food yet?" Everyone said yes and gave their orders.

As the waiter walked away Mike started the conversation. "So I was think long we could go to the quarry over the weekend to have picnic or just hangout. What do you guys think?" Suggested Mike.

"I think that's a great idea." Said Beverly.

All there meals came after about twenty-five minutes of talking. The waiter even came out with a cake for Beverly and Eddie singing happy birthday. After they ate they all went back home to watch movies. When they got back home they all laid in the living room. Ben picked out The Heathers. Then after Eddie picked out The Loin King. Once both movies were done it was about eleven o'clock and everyone went upstairs to go to bed except Mike who sat in the living room watching movies. When both Stan and Richie got into bed Max jumped up onto their bed.

"Rich babe you still up?" Asked Stan in a quiet voice.

"Yeah. Why?" Replied Richie.

"I love you and I want you know that." Said Stan in sweet voice.

"I know that Stan and I love you too." Whispered back Richie.

And about five minutes later both boys were asleep.

Derry Maine// StoizerWhere stories live. Discover now