Is it wrong to kiss your best friend?

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Michael sighed as he took another long, dragged out hit from his blunt. He exhaled slowly, letting the smoke curl around his phone as he scrolled through his feed and Snapchat messages. It was a rainy Friday after school. Usually on rainy Fridays after school Michael would be stoned off his ass and laughing along with Jeremy. They'd try ((and fail)) at beating Apocalypse of the Damned and eat retro potato chips and soda. 

Usually, meant before Jeremy had gotten a girlfriend. Now Michael loved Christine, she was a little ray of sunshine and the two had become closer friends after Jeremy started dating her. She could be over bearing, and often got so excited she would blast Michael's ears off with showtunes but he was happy to call her his friend. He'd beat up anyone who dared come near her. But most importantly, she made Jeremy happy. And right now that was all that mattered. 

Jermey had sold himself to a pill-a FUCKING PILL-to get this girl. He'd broken so many strings and nearly killed everyone to get this ray of sunshine. Even though Michael was there all along. 

His phone buzzed wildly in his hand followed by it blasting "Is this Love what I'm feeling?" By Bob Marley. Michael flailed his hands as he tried to answer the phone, dropping the joint in the process 

"He-Hewwo?" Michael croaked 

"Hey Mike" 

That voice snapped Michael back into reality. He sat up in his beanbag, ready to run at any moment "Hey! Jeremy-what's up dude?"

"Aren't you-aren't you on a date with Chrissy?" Michael loved reciving calls from Jeremy, but he knew how excited that boy had been over the 'very important date!' tonight. 

On the other end there was a sniffle "Um-uh-it ended-we-" there was a gasp and Michael physically winced, his heart felt like if it was being ripped out of his chest "I'm-I'm outside-"

"I'm on my way" Michael said, quickly hanging up and shoving his phone into his hoodie pocket 

Michael dashed up the stairs, the sound of rain getting increasingly louder as he neared the door. His footsteps made the pictures on the walls rattle and he burst open the door to the front porch. With the thundershower behind him and soaked to the bone Jeremy looked like a scared kitten. His already acne covered face was blotchy with red spots, small tears rolled down his eyes and he shook softly. 

"He-hey. Tha-thanks um-" Jeremy stuttered meekly 

"Oh my God-Jere come in! You are freezing!!"  Michael exclaimed, practically pulling Jeremy by his cardigan into the warm house 

Jeremy yelped as wind slammed the door shut, he shivered and stared at Michael with frightened eyes. Michael stared back with eyes of worry before bombarding him with questions 

"Jeremiah what the actual fuck were you thinking!? You could've gotten pneumonia-or-or tripped on a really sharp rock- or some dumbass could've run you over with his truck or-"


As soon as he said it the pale boy let out a sob and broke down crying, hiccuping as he collapsed onto the floor. The words echoed against the houses walls and burned Jeremy's throat as he said them. They rang in Michael's ears, they were words he'd only dreamed of hearing, but dreaded would come true. 

"She-she WHAT?!" He whispered 

Michael wanted to scream, but loud noises scared both him and Jeremy. And in both of their alerted states of panic, neither of them could handle being screamed at, even if it was for something they didn't do. Jeremy sniffled and nodded, using a soaked cardigan to wipe his tears 

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