I'm honestly shocked I haven't done a soulmates AU

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🌼Seriously, it's one of the cutest and most cliché tropes in fanfiction out there and yet?? Heere I am without one of my own. High time we changed that!🌼

Soulmates in the world worked in weird ways, like HELLA weird ways. They weren't weird to people who had soulmates, after all the idea was drilled into kids brains as early as kindergarten, but to an outsider it would sound like the oddest thing. All soulmates were obtained the same way, 

Everyone was born with words on their skin, these words could be as simple as "Are you okay?" to whole worried paragraphs that wrapped around people's arms. Then on the night of an individuals 18th birthday they would have a dream where they were thrown into an alternate universe. In said alternate universe if they met someone who spoke the same words as the ones printed on their arm then in the real world that meant that they were soulmates. Back in dreamland a person had to make sure their soulmate died.

Told ya it was confusing. 

Most people recommended not dating anyone till your 18th birthday, but of course teens will be teens and some had already begun dating, for the most part the soulmate pairings had been successful. With a few exceptions.

"I'm literally so excited I don't think I can go to sleep Michael what happens if I just don't sleep huh?" Jeremy asked anxiously, pulling on his pijama shirt, an oversized dolphin shirt they had gotten at the zoo

"Don't try it, you're just delaying the inevitable and could stay in the dream for longer." Michael deadpanned from the bathroom, opening the door

Today was Jeremy's 18th birthday, and accordingly the SQUAD was throwing a small hangout at Michael's. They were an odd group, composed of some of the most popular students and the most forgotten. The shared link between them of course being Jeremy, who they had somehow become friends with over the past year. Everyone had already gotten their soulmate dream, everyone except for him as luck would have it.

And of course it was almost twelve am and everyone was asleep, everyone except for Jeremy who needed to fall asleep before today ended.

"Does it hurt? Like when you wake up?" The lanky boy asked, still too nervous to go to bed

"It's like waking up from a nightmare, you still think you're in the dream cause everything is so fucking real" Michael commented, arranging pillows on his bed. He and Jeremy had slept in the same bed since eighth grade, so it wasn't odd when they both got in together.

Michael took off his glasses, flicked off the lights and snuggled into the covers

"Like a thousand knives are stabbing you all at once but then they all suddenly stop and instead all the blood you lost is suddenly thrust into your body and then you wake up"

"R-I-ight! Thanks for that vote of confidence dude, now I'm real sleepy" The taller one said sarcastically, getting under the Pink Floyd patterned covers

"At least finding your soulmate isn't that hard, just remember the words on your arm"

Michael had never told Jermey who his soulmate actually was, which made no sense since they were best friends and they told each other everything. But after finding Michael crying behind the bleachers after talking to whoever his soulmate was in the dream he knew it hadn't gone well. Christine had a suspicion it was Jake since things were awkward and tense between them after Michael 'confessed' to his soulmate. Jake was, after all, dating Rich. 

"You could say you tripped right into my heart" Jeremy read off of his arm "It sounds like a really corny pickup line, I don't think I'd date whoever said that. What did yours say, you know before they disappeared?"

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