The SQUIP SQUAD in: Theatre

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THer last classes flew by and soon the last bell rang, signaling it was time for rehearsal. Humming 'Singing in the rain' under her breath she waded through crowded halls and into the Cafetorium she loved so dearly.

"Hey Chris!" Greeted Madeline as she entered

Christine waved at the students who were already lounging onstage. Madeline was always part of some sex-scandal at school, victim to so many rumors she was the founder of the official 'I-slept-with-Jake-Dillinger-Club', which consisted of a surprising 10 members. The girl was nice, she was part of the tech crew and had a love for 'La-La-Land'.

"Have you heard what Mr.Reyes is planning for this year?!" She shrieked as the shorter girl neared the stage

"Dustin overhead him talking to Mrs.Sawyer about it, says it's gonna be like a huge deal and gonna get everyone talking so we'll have a bigger cast during Spring"

At the mention of his name Dustin looked up from his Nintendo switch, his curly black hair peaking out from his backwards dark blue cap. He was the co-founder of the 'I-slept-with-Jake-Dillinger-Club', he was really into video games and internet culture. Christine often asked him to explain memes to her. Nice guy with an ear for gossip.

"He said he wanted Mrs. to help with some of the castin' and set, taken the show was written based on her highschool" he said before returning to his game

"Oh God Mrs.Sawyer?!" Came a lispy shout from the seats

The three seniors onstage looked over to see a crowd of about 23 students walk in, Rich among them and staring with horror at Madeline and Christine.

"Yeah she's gonna be helping with the show this year" Jenna said matter-of-factly

Rich groaner overdramatically and slumped into Michael's arms, a gesture the hoodie sporting boy did not appreciate.

"That woman already haunts me in English class! There is no way I'm sticking around for this-"

"That's a rather distasteful use of the word 'haunt' Rich, try expanding to adjectives such as 'terrorize' or 'plague'" a female voice resounded, causing everyone to go quiet as Mrs.Veronica Sawyer walked onstage.

She was a woman of about 31, with dark brown hair going just past her earlobes and sporting a navy turtle neck with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows along with white pants and black flats.

"though I don't particularly like being portrayed as a monster, I'm more of an antihero" she stated crisply

"To everyone else that doesn't take AP lit, Lang or Honours English, I'm Mrs. Veronica Sawyer-McNamara. I'm the head of the English department-"

"AND A TOTAL BITCH!" Shouted someone from the audience

The teacher flipped them off, causing the cafetorium to erupt in giggles

"As I was saying- Alfonso came to me to help with the casting, set directing and most choreography. As you may know we will be putting on the show 'Heathers' written by famed author Heather Duke, a former classmate of mine."

Christine gasped in excitement, Madeline squealed, there were whoops of excitement from the audience seats.

"I had a firsthand experience in the real life tragedy, this show will be special as, we will be doing this show to raise money for charities against teenage suicide. Plus we're hoping a popular show will mean a bigger crowd, so extra funds will go to your spring musical" 

"When are auditions?!" Came a voice that sounded suspiciously like Michael

"In a month's time, we'll be working on set design till then" Mrs. Sawyer said "Oh and feel free to call me Veronica, I'm always open to talk about the experience, other musicals, or anything else"

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