Silent Pinkberry-

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The Valentine household was miraculously, quiet. A grand mansion home to four children, their parents and their inhumanly large Venus flytrap. With the Christmas holidays and four of their significant others added to the mix there was not a single day Mrs. Audrey Valentine could recall wasn't spent running around and shouting.

But tonight was different. All was quiet in the Valentine household. The mother quickly decided to do a double check on her house to make sure that no one was making a mess and accidentally causing their house to be the next target for 'Most Haunted Houses in America'. Her twelve inch black pumps clinked on the hardwood floors as she checked her son's rooms first.

Tucker was asleep on his desk, using his unfinished song lyrics as a pillow. His mother gave him a kiss and turned off his light, ruffling his hair. Mackenzie had fallen asleep with his girlfriend, Rebecca, cuddled together while a documentary about drag queens played on the TV. She turned off the TV and turned off the lights. Ram has his arms wrapped around his boyfriend Kurt. They were sound asleep on the kitchen table, an unfinished game of UNO surrounding them.

"Are you girls still awake-?" Mrs. Valentine asked, knocking softly on the living room wall and peeking in before smiling.

Her youngest and only daughter, Chloe, was snuggled on the carpeted floor. The Christmas tree shone and the fire cackled in the fireplace. She was covered in half a blanket, the other half was currently being knit quietly by her girlfriend Brooke. Chloe sipped her hot chocolate and kissed her girlfriend's head sleepily.

"It's not done! I wanted to get it done for Christmas-" Brooke yawned "Christmas Eve!"

"Brooke it's almost midnight we should get to sleep princess. The blanket can wait."

"I wanted to embroider a Pinkberry-a Pinkberry froyo" Brooke yawned one final time and snuggled into Chloe's hair

"We can go get Pinkberry in the morning, for now let's get some sleep."

"Mhm. With-with all the toppings and-and-I love you"

Chloe sighed and kissed her cheek "I love you too"

Mrs. Audrey turned sharply on her heels and walked back to her room. A smile on her face.


Silent Pinkberry. Ohhhh Pinkberry. All is calm, all is bright-. Keep it Classy!~🌼


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