Chapter 5

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So I just dropped Twan off at the house. Now I'm headed home. My phone rings and I answer it through my car. "Hello" I answer. "Hey poo, wyd" Says Roxanne using the nickname she gave me when we were kids. "Nun Tigger, just heading home. Wassup" I ask her cuz she rarely calls me she only text me.

"Family gathering for your birthday tonight right?" She asks. "Yeah?" I say. "Come get me. Momma wants me there" "Okay no problem I'm on the way" I say turning around and heading her way. When I pull up to her house she is sitting outside in some booty shorts and a tank top. Man she fine. Why did we make that rule when we were younger.


"Pooh, let's build a sand castle" 9 year old Roxanne says. "I don't want to build another one" 8 year old me says. "Come on please. Momma said you gotta do whatever I want since you hurt me" She says pouting bringing her when I knocked her down with my trike. "Fine but only if we can play battle ship later on" I say. "Deal" We shake hands and start building the sand castle. "Pooh, look what at he is doing to that girl" Roxanne says looking off to the side. I look and see a guy grabbing a girl by the butt as they kiss.

"Promise me we won't do that like ever. You are my brother" She says knowing how close we are. "I don't know it seems interesting" I say still watching them. "PROMISE ME ALEX" She says in a serious voice using my real name. That's how I know she being serious. "Alright. I promise" I say. She pulls out her pinky and we lock pinkies.


Man that promise is so horrible to me right now looking at her. Like if I could have made her mine, I probably would have ended up actually in a relationship for once. I wouldn't even do her wrong. She knows me too well for me to do that. I can't change time so I just honk the horn to get her attention.

She looks up and waves at me and walks over to the car. I unlock the door and she hops in and hugs me. "Hey pooh" She says kissing my cheek. "Hey Rox" "So how does it feel to join the 18 club" She asks and I back out her driveway before driving off to my house. "It's alright just started so I ain't feeling nun yet" I say as I get close to the house.

"Well trust the club is the scene baby boi" She says twerking a little in her seat with her tongue out. I glance over at her and get stuck in her breasts and quickly snap my eyes back to the front. "Girl calm down. You shaking my car. I plan to head our after the gathering anyways" I say eyes glued to the road.

"Where you going pooh" She asks. I can feel her burning a whole in the side of my head. "No where that you need to know of" I say pulling into the driveway of my house. "Aw come on bestie, we don't have any secrets don't keep stuff from me" She says. Sigh. "Fine me and the boys going out the strip club" I say turning the car off.

"Ooouuu how you getting out the gathering pretty boi" She says being funny. I'm no where near pretty. "Girl don't play with me. You know I'm not pretty. But anyways now that I'm thinking about. I need your help." I say looking over at her to see if I have her attention which I do of course.

"I need you to fake sick. I can take you home which basically ends the stupid gathering early and I get to go out with the guys" I say with a devious grin. "Hmm. I see where you going with it. I'm in" Roxanne says giving me a thumbs up.

"Let's get inside I know momma waiting to see her long lost baby" She says speaking of herself. "She just saw u three days ago" I say. "So" She says before getting out the car. I roll my eyes and get out behind her, walking in the house.

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