Author's Note

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Hey everyone I see y'all are enjoying my book. I know I haven't been updating, been stressing about school and graduating this year and all that good stuff.

If you have anything you want me to add to this book please let me know. I love feedback from the people who read my stuff so I will know what you all would like to read.

I know y'all probably like what happened to Cara and Liz. Well remember when Twan and his step dad got into that fight?

Well Cara and Liz both took up their dad's side and stopped hanging around Alex and Twan. They basically just disappeared form the boys lives so now it's all about Roxanne, Marcie, and the other guys because they still there for them.

I just wanted to let you know so there wouldn't be any questions.

See you all next time I update, hopefully will be soon.

Chao 😘😘

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