Chapter 6

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~ Alex outfit for the gathering up above.~

I'm fully dressed for this stupid ass gathering they throwing for me. It's pretty boring honestly. She hasn't done this shit in 2 years. Why this year? I just wanna go out with my homies and see some naked bitches. What's so bad about that?

Excuse me, I mean girls. I know that's offensive to females so I'll be good and not rude. Anyways, I'm down at this lil gathering waiting for the rest of the family to show up. So far my uncle Rufus and his kids are here.

Uncle Rufus, lost his wife after she gave birth to the twins, Brayden and Jayden. The boys grew up with no one but they dad and my mom since they live not too far away from us. They 10 now and man them lil fuckers get on my fucking nerves.

I'm not a playground stop jumping on me, heavy asses. Uncle Rufus been out tryna find somebody to love all on but like it's hard cuz the boys are huge cock blocks. Mannn they was on some Are We There Yet shit. It was funny asf til I had to babysit.

After I started complaining, mom stopped making me watch them so Uncle Rufus got angry and hired some babysitter or whatever. The boys never caused her trouble so I guess they like her. I wonder what's up with that tho.

I hear some knocking and open the door. There goes my grandma and grandpa. Grandma squeezes the life out of me with her bear hug and grandpa just gives me a nod of Acknowledgement. I move back so they can come in and they start conversation with mom.

She apparently is introducing them to her new toy Mr. Harrison. I wonder how long this clown gonna last. Hope I don't have to cave another night chest in. Would hate to have bruised knuckles again. Oh well. We will see what happens.

Where my auntie at? My auntie the main one who cool with me fr nowadays. She the only one who don't trip over how I act cuz she know how I got this way. I check my phone. 7:45 pm. She need to come on.

I text the guys.

PlayBoi: Ayo. When y'all tryna step out

Savage💯(Twan): whenever u can pull up to get me bruh

DaOne&OnlyJy (JyRo): 11?

DeeJayLowe(DeeLo): sound good to me

RJDaMan😂(Rj): DL make sure u pull up to get me since it sound good to you

DeeJayLowe: where yo car at

RjDaMan: baby moms got it

Savage💯: 😂😂😂

PlayBoi: wow u let shawty take yo shit 😂

RjDaMan: stfu bruh

I look up hearing somebody call my name. It's my mom. "Alexander come mingle with the family they all miss you boy" She says with a innocent smile but I don't believe that shit at all. She still faking for them.

"Yes ma'am here I come" I say being fake as well while sliding my phone in my pocket. I still feel it vibrating too. Them idiots prob still roasting RJ. I walk up and immediately get into a conversation with my mom and uncle.

"Aye boy how u been" My unc said while scratching his beard. "I been okay" I say with a lopsided fake smile. "How school" He ask. Mom eyes me on this question. She make it seem like I don't come back with good grades. Sometimes I wonder man. "It's going" I say shrugging off the fact that I just passed a test earlier on in the week with a A.

"Oh kool. You should come out to the house one day. The boys miss you" Unc says before walking away. Mom drags me to my grandparents. They smile and ask the same questions and I don't skip a word in saying the same thing to them as well.

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