Chapter 8

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Pulling into Twan driveway, I see Charles sitting outside on the trunk of his car smoking a blunt. He looks up when he sees my headlights and puts his blunt out and walks over to the car. I roll my eyes as I look at Twan. He walks up to the passenger side and I let the window down. He leans in eyeing me before looking at Twan. "Damn boy. How many times I gotta tell you, you can't go out without speaking to me first" Charles says. "How many times I gotta tell you, you not my motherfucking dad. Fuck out my face with that shit bruh" Twan says glaring at Charles.

"I figured yo lil dumb ass would say that" Charles says before punching Twan dead in the face. I cut the car off quick as fuck before getting out and rounding the car to knock the shit out of Charles. "Mind yo business youngin" Charles says wiping blood from his mouth. My hit made that much of an impact on him. "You fuck with my homie then you got a problem with me" I growl while getting in his face. Twan hops out the car and sneaks Charles while we are glaring at each other. He then starts kicking him in the ribs til I force him to stop.

"Get yo shit Twan, you not allowed back here again, you piece of shit" Charles groans out. I kick him in the ribs then making him groan more in pain. Twan goes in the house and comes back out in 10 minutes with a trash bag full of clothes and shit he paid for and gets in my car. I spit on Charles before getting back in my car, backing out quickly, before speeding down the street.

When I pulled into my driveway, I opened the garage and put my car in next to Mom's. As soon as I closed the garage Twan hopped out angry. You could see the nice black eye forming. I threw him the keys so he could go in while I locked my car and scrolled through my phone waiting for the garage to close all the way so I can set the alarm. 

Scrolling through my instagram, I see lots of posts for my birthday. My feed is lit asf right now with how many people tagged me in stuff. Once I hear the garage close completely, I walk over to the alarm and set it. I have 30 seconds before I have to get in the house and close the door. I walk over and close the door and lock it as the alarm is done with the count down and has secured the house. 

I walk in the living room to see Sara tending to Twan's eye. Why is she still here? Is her buster ass dad still here too? He betta not be tryna fuck my moms bruh, on god. I sit next to Sara. She looks back at me and smiles. I smirk back. "How did this happen Twan?" She asks putting ice to his eye as he winces in pain. "I don't wanna talk about" Twan says looking past her at me as I nod. 

"Sara, why you still here? I thought you would have went home by now" I say yawning. Sara hands the ice pack to Twan before turning towards me. "My dad took your mom out to a movie after you left. I stayed because we got unfinished business" She says while biting her lip. I smirked but shook my head. As much as I love watching her, I'm tired and drained. There's no way that she will be finishing anything tonight. "Sorry baby girl but I gotta get up in a few hours. You can crash here in the guest room if you want" i say looking past Twan to mouth to him. "Take care of her" I mouth to him as he nods.

"But Alex, I wanna finish" She whines. Oh hell, she done got clingy. I ain't liking this shit. "Look, you keep acting like a baby you can bounce" I say standing and going up to my room closing and locking the door. I yawn as I take off my shirt and pants before climbing in my bed. I need to fucking sleep bruh. Before, I can sleep, I get a text from a number I don't recognize but is programmed in my phone as a smile emoji.

😃: heard it's your birthday, here's my address, come see me

A: okay

The person sends their address and I look at it on google map and notice the car in the driveway. It's Shanice's car. Oh I definitely gotta stop by now. 


I wake up by my phone ringing. I look at and it's Roxanne calling. I check the time, it's 8 am. Why she calling me so early in the morning. I groan before answering the phone. "Hello" I ask with my eyes still closed. "Was you sleep?" She asks. "Duh" I answer annoyed. "Don't get an attitude, come open the door" She says before hanging up. I look at the phone and groan before getting up. I unlock my door then head downstairs, not caring that I'm only in my boxers. It's my house, why the hell I gotta get dressed for. I ain't got no where to go this early in the morning.

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