Chapter 30

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Marcie POV

It's been a couple hours since school ended and it's almost night time. I had to shoo Alex out my house so I could get the crew to come in. I dress in all black, put my hair in a high pony tail, and get my back up phone and text the group.

SaucedUpShawty: yall ready

ItsPablo: Sí babe

LukeDaGoat: whenever u r

TheyCallMeSteph: babygirl we got you

SaucedUpShawty: good heading out to the location now lemme know when y'all pull up

ItsPablo: on it

I put my phone in my pocket and turn off my other phone and put it on the charger. I told Alex that I was going to bed early and wasn't going to be answering him tonight but he not dumb, he should know what I'm up to.

If not, I'll fill him in tomorrow when I introduce the group to him. I walked out to my momma car and pulled off heading to this secret hideout the group and I have. My mom carpooled today with her friends to work and left me the car for once, shockingly. I head out of town for a good hour until I get on this dirt road and pull into this cabin, which just so happens to be one of our hideouts. We have about three of them. One of them, everyone in town knows as the party spot.

The second one isn't all that far from town but not in town like the party spot, it's where we hang out when we don't really feel like being bothered. This hideout that I just pulled up to, is the one that no one wants to ever be brought to. This one is the one we bring everyone who has ever crossed us to. I hate to say it, but I like this hideout the most because my sick and twisted side can be revealed happily, so sad for the girls though. They just don't know that this will be their worst nightmare.

I parked the car behind some trees a little distance away and walked back to the cabin, making sure to zig-zag just in case people are out here where they shouldn't be and go in the back door. Leaving the lights off, I set up for them to arrive.

I hear a lot of stumbling as they enter 20 minutes later. I have two chairs lined up facing away from each other in the middle of the room. My friends bring them in and set them down in the chairs and I tie their arms and legs.

I turn on the light and smile evilly at them. They look so frightened, so tiny, so insecure. It's quite funny to me honestly and very pleasant to see such a weak state they are in. They not as big and bad now.

"You dumb little whores have fucked with the wrong person" I say walking around them to make sure each they both saw me clearly.

They both try to speak but can't because the guys placed tape on their mouths. I snap to the guys and they slap the girls across the face.

"This is the only chance you get before I do something terrible to y'all. Do y'all understand!" I yell.

They both nod their heads after the guys get ready to hit them again.

"Good. I don't know why you thought you could mess with Twan and think nothing was going to happen to y'all. Y'all got the game messed all the way the fuck up" I say as I pull out my pocket knife and drag it across the younger one's face pushing it in a little til it made her cheek bleed.

She started to cry from the pain, but I was only being nice. I wasn't going to do any real damage. I walked around to the other one and smirked at her.

I saw nothing but fear in her eyes as I rubbed her sister's blood on her face. Her eyes pleaded with me not to hurt her and I could do nothing but laugh at the sight.

Just a while ago, they thought they were going to get away with tormenting the people I care about, but look at them now, scared shitless. I squatted down in front of the older one and dragged the knife down her neck to her thigh. Her eyes started to water as she believed I was going to stab her to death. I laughed evilly at the sight of them shivering in fear of me.

I stood up tall and walked back over to the younger one whom I've never liked what so ever. She always used to talk shit about me behind my back since freshman year and thought that I would never find out. She is a disgrace to mankind and she definitely needs to be taught a lesson about her mouth. 

I nodded to Pablo and he walked over to the younger one and lifted her up out the chair and took her to the back. The older one started trying to talk as the younger one had nothing but muffled cries as he threw her over his shoulder since she was doing too much and couldn't walk with her feet tied together.

I slapped the older one as hard as I could making her head turn to the side almost knocking her out the chair. I didn't think I was that strong, damn.

"Now, here's what you are going to do for me, bitch. You are going to call your disgusting piece of shit ass father and tell him exactly where you are and that he and he alone needs to come get you, do you understand?" I ask the older sister.

She nods her head as I rip the duct tape off her mouth so she can speak. Luke comes over with the phone and I step back so they can get the number and call him. The phone rings and after 2 rings, the phone is picked up. "Hello? Who is this?" The girls' father says through the phone.

The older sister starts crying into the phone as she tries to speak to him. "Daddy" She manages through her tears after a while. The man's voice becomes panicked as he recognizes his daughter's voice. "Sweetie, what's wrong, are you okay?" He says in a rush.

"Daddy please help, they have me and Cara, daddy they are gonna-" Luke slaps her across the face as she tries to tell him that we are going to kill them, which in the least, is not true at all, by a long shot. Luke speaks into the phone making sure to make his voice deeper so it's not recognized whatsoever. 

"I have your daughters. Meet me in the abandoned warehouse at the edge of town, alone. If you call the police or anyone else shows up with you, you will watch your precious daughters die right in front of you, do you understand me?" Luke says with evil intent in his eyes as he stares at the older sister, who has so many fears going on in her eyes that it must be worse in her head.

"I..I understand. Please don't hurt my baby girls okay. I love you sweetie, and I'm coming for you okay" He tries saying to his daughter but before she can respond, Luke hangs up. Pablo comes in the room shirtless carrying Cara who has been stripped completely naked and has bruises everywhere on her. Cara looks to have been crying and she is soaking wet. I know exactly what Pablo did and no he did not rape her. I will explain later.

The guys take the girls out to the car and knocks them out with handkerchiefs so they won't know how to get back here and throw them in the backseat. I stay inside and try to clean up everything to make this place look abandoned again and less like someone has just recently been here. Once I finished I zig zag back through the woods to my car and drive off back to town to my mom house. Once there I walk, put my clothes in a trash bag and throw them in the trash that I will take out in the morning. I walk upstairs to my room to finally crash for the night at 3 in the morning.

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