Chapter 28

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Twan POV

SUP BITCHES!!! Did y'all miss me? Yeah I ain't been here in a while. Did Alex use his big ass mouth to tell you I'm passing ALL my classes now? I bet his ass did. Loud mouth 😒

Lemme tell y'all what's been going on since it's almost time for us to start getting ready for graduation. Long story short, I been fucking my teacher. Yeah my teacher. Crazy I know. Here's how it started.

*a month ago*

"Twan stay after class, I need to speak with you" "Okay?" Alex walks out the classroom leaving me with just the teacher.

"What's up teach?" I say sitting on the desk right in from of her desk.

"Your grades are terrible. Do you even plan to graduate?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Of course I just hate this class. Are we done here." I ask standing and start in towards the door.

The teacher mutters something under her breath and I turn back to her.

"What was that?" I ask her and walk back over to where I was sitting.

"I said that I will help you keep your grade up in my class if you do something for me" She says as she walks in front of her desk.

"And what's that" I ask.

She walks over to me and rubs me through my pants. I move her hand but she puts it back.

"It's either this or you fail and stay back a year" She says as she unzips my pants.


Long story short, I been fucking her every Friday after school to make sure my grades stay up. She need to be fired for that shit but as long as I graduate I'm not worried. my baby know what I be up to. He not happy either, but I got to do what I got to do.

It's Friday today and I just finished up with her. I'm walking to Alex house now.

My phone buzzes and I see a message from someone I haven't heard from in a long time. My step sister Cara.

Cara 💄💋: bro wyd?

Twan 👀👀: why?

Cara 💄💋: tryna see if you wanna link up tonight

Twan👀👀: and do what?

Cara💄💋: I miss u bro

Twan👀👀: ight I'll see if A down stay breezy hoe

Cara💄💋: 👌👌

I reach Alex house and walk in with using the key they gave me. Yeah, they love me that much. So different from my old residence. What does Cara even want to hang out for?

I go up to Alex room and knock on the door. "Come in" is heard so I open the door and walk in.

"What's good bruh" Alex says pausing the game he playing.

"Cara hit me up asking did we wanna hang out tonight" I say still confused.

"For what" Alex says looking over at a message on his phone.

"Ion know. Bring Marcie just in case she try anything dumb. Need a girl to beat her ass" I say already knowing that she got to be up to something when she wrote me off as soon as Alex punched his father and I left the house.

"Marcie said she will be coming over anyways so text her she can come over or whatever" Alex says grabbing clothes and going into his bathroom to probably shower.

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