CH. 29 What we saw

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CH. 29 What we saw

(Tucker POV)

Bryson and I decided to head towards the office, Jeffs home office.

Jeff was the type of person who would take his work home with him.

Saying he had his fingers in helping everyone.

Now we know what he meant by that.

I knew that no matter what, I was always going to feel bad about not noticing.

I was supposed to notice these things, but I didn't notice.

Do you want to go in first? Bryson said, staring at the door that was Jeff's home office door.

"Can't we just go in together?" I asked him and he raised a brow.

"No, I'll cover you." He said and I stared at him confused.

"Why were the only ones here Bryson," I said, he rolled his eyes at me.

"This is Jeff Baez fucking house. I'm not taking any changes. Now open the door. I'll cover you." I groaned at my partner getting a shrug from him, showing that he didn't care that I groaned.

I opened the door, going in. Nothing happened, we were officially in Jeff's office.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Bryson asked me and I walked towards Jeff desk.

"Let's just go through the desk and cabinets. Anything that stands out and gives us leads." I said and Bryson widened his eyes.

"Okay, we should also go through his computer too." He said and I nodded my head agreeing to what he said.

"Yeah, let's go through the other things first. Will go through the computer last. It might have a password though." I said and he threw his hand up, giving the gesture that I shouldn't worry about it.

"I can do some hacking, I got it covered." He said causing my eyes to widen.

"Since when?" I asked him and he shrugged, going through some cabinets.

"You can't just reveal all your skills, you have to keep some secrets you know." He said and I looked at him.

He looked back at me.

"You never know who's good or bad. So you have to keep some of your skills to yourself just in case you end up in a situation where you can outsmart them with the skills they didn't know you have. You know, like now." He said and I nodded my head.

He was right about that.

I wondered how much about me did Jeff know, he allowed me to get a little closer to him so there had to be certain things he knew about me that I didn't know he knew.

"You know, I think Jeff was okay with us being friends or maybe he seek out a friendship with me on purpose. After all, he was the one  that started talking to me first." I said going through his desk drawers.

"Most likely, honestly can't put anything past him now," Bryson said. I saw some files in the drawers and I took them out.

Going through the files, seeing some people work. I came across papers with names on it giving small details of what was done and my eyes widen.

"I found something," I said and Bryson stopped what he was doing, coming over to me.

He looked at the paper I was looking at over my shoulder.

"I see he kept track on who he did work for and what work he did for them," Bryson said and I nodded my head.

"Bryson, there are people in prison right now who haven't committed the crimes they're in prison for," I said looking at the paper.

"Which means the people who committed the crime are out there free. Wow, this is fucked up man. This guy actually had this whole shit set up where he would prosecute innocent people." Bryson said.

"How, how would he set them up to have the jury believed that they were guilty though?" I asked and Bryson stood silent, thinking over my question.

"Man, I don't even know. I feel like we're opening multiple Pandora boxes right now as we speak." I said.

"Well, they have to get open Tucker, we have to find out these things. Look at the names of these people, don't you recognize some of their names?" Bryson asked me and I did.

Some of these people held high positions.

The others were people that it would be hard to bring down.

"Jeff Baez did work for all these people, he also had shit on all of them. He did things that made them get out fine and looked good. You know what else looks good for them?" Bryson asked and I looked at him waiting for his response.

"He's dead, he's dead now and none of these people have to feel worried about him going against them, but maybe they weren't aware he kept things on them. We need to take everything with us." Bryson said and I nodded my head agreeing.

"Should we look through them first?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, let's take them all now and look through them at your place or mine. Whichever we decide to go to, just need to get a step in leaving now." He said and I nodded my head.

"We have to be careful though," I said and he nodded his head.

"You're right about that, I'm going to pull my car into the garage and will load the things in the garage without having anyone from the outside see us. I don't even think we should stick around here any longer, so let's get to it. These people aren't dumb, they don't want to leave any trails behind which surprises me how no one has come to Jeff house and destroyed it yet, which means it's going to happen later on so we need to get all the things and put them in the car." Bryson said and I started getting the boxes in Jeff Room.

"I hope Natasha is okay because from the names you and I read on those papers. These are big people in big positions and we've only briefly read two papers. There's more with names on them Tucker." Bryson said and I groaned nodding my head, as we quickly got to grab all the things.

Bryson quickly went to get his car and I opened the garage so he could pull into the garage, I pressed the garage door button and the garaged closed.

"Okay, let's hurry up. I'm sure there are people who might be watching this house." I said and Bryson nodded his head.

"Yeah, when we leave remind me to take off my plate tag and take yours off." He said and I nodded my head.

We started putting everything that was in Jeffs office in Bryson car, stacking them up.

"Guess it's going to be a long night for the both of us, sorry man," I said and he shrugged.

"That's what partners are for, and we're doing the right thing. I just hope she's okay man." Bryson said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, me too."

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Oh, The boys have found Jeff Pandora Box, now let's see where it takes them, what it releases and shows them. Jeff is dead, but that doesn't mean his work is.....

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-Kassandra Vivu

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