Turn 29: D.U. vs A.F. Part 1

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Dark Union versus Angel Feather Part 1

Star stepped back inside after his meeting up with Seth and Shadow and saw Snow just sitting there, tears rolling down her face and holding her deck close to her heart. She looked so vulnerable.

Star, not saying anything, walked up to Snow and pulled her into a tight hug, catching her off guard and open her eyes.

Star: "Don't cry Snow, you know I hate it when you cry. . . . Just let it out, okay"

Star gently petted Snow's hair as she cried into his chest.

It took about five or so minutes for Snow to let it all out, but when she finally did she pushed away and smiled.

Snow: "You wouldn't mind if I go first, would you?"

Star shock his head no and stepped over to the chair across from her, placing his deck down and sitting. He watched as Snow grew her starting hand as he shuffled his own deck using D.I.

(Snow's starting)

Snow: "Stand up, Black report, Ridwan (5,000)."

Star: "Stand up, Beacon Wolf (5,000)."

Star smiled as he stared down at the card in front of him, not because of some happy memory but rather he could see the wolf. He was standing on the Cray he first imagined a long time ago, in front of him was a wolf coming out to three feet tall and had gorgeous black hair that shimmered in the moonlight and blue flames streaking down it's sides. It's eyes were as innocent as snow and it let out a happy bark when it saw Star.

Snow: "I ride Drill Motor Nurse (7,000), call Ridwan to the bottom left and call Black Call, Nakir (7,000) to bottom middle."

Snow showed Star Black Devote, Phaleg and added Black Shiver, Gavrail to hand, all thanks to the skill of Nakir. This was reminding Star of his fight against Sally.

Snow: "The turn is yours."

Star: Hand 5, Damage 0, Soul 0, F.D.D. 0.

Snow: Hand 4, Damage 0, Soul 0, F.D.D. 0.

Star's Turn

Star drew his top card and picked up a card named Succubus of the Abyss.

Star: "Ride, Succubus Knight (7,000)."

Succubus Knight was this 5 foot 7 inches female with a blood red katana in her left hand and a circle shield that covered half her body in the right hand. She had crimson hair that fell to her hips, grey eyes that resembled the sky on a stormy day, and a pair of black horns that sprouted from her hair and curved down right next to her eyes, the tips being coated in red. She wore skin tight black leather underneath her open black cloak that turned into jagged flames at the end, she also had a black long skirt that fell past her knees and hid the top parts of her leather boots, which had daggers sticking out at her heels.

Star: "Calling Beacon Wolf to the bottom middle (5,000)."

*Battle Phase*

Star: "Beacon Wolf boosts Succubus Knight and attacks Drill Motor Nurse (12,000 vs 7,000)."

Star pointed forward, causing Succubus to smile and say 'Alright Boss' while raising her katana above her head and pointed toward the nurse. Beacon Wolf barked and ran to her side, awaiting a response from Snow.

Snow: "No guard."

The pair dashed forward, katana falling down to Succubus Knight's side and Beacon Wolf taking huge leaps towards Drill Motor Nurse. Star raised his palm towards the sky and a card floated up with the movement of the palm.

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