Turn 32: Nearing the end

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A pink haired teen walked down a bustling street of the shopping district, pushing past families and such until she entered a somewhat empty park, the only people being there was a couple of couples and an emerald haired teen who was staring up at the sky with a look of hatred and thoughtfulness.

Cass: "Hey, Forest!"

Cass shouted grabbing the attention of some couples and the ex tactician of Dark Union.

Forest: "About time, what happened?"

Forest asked, standing up and walking towards her.

Cass: "Nothing much, it's just that Star came back and I was spending some time with him and Edge over at Sally's house."

Cass moved her jaw length bangs out of her face and back to the side of her face while staring at Forest, waiting to hear what he wanted from her.

Forest: "Star's back? Huh, anyway, that's besides the point. What I wanted to talk to you about was Dark Union."

Cass raised an eyebrow as they walked over to the edge of the park, leaning over a steel fence and looking out over the cliffside.

Forest: "I'm pretty sure you know already, but it's been almost two years since the tower incident, tomorrow in fact marks that occasion."

Cass nodded and turned her attention to the sky, expecting it to turn dark and a heavy storm to hit them.

Forest sighed and closed his eyes, gripping the fence and trying to steady his heart.

Forest: "I'm sorry for all that I've done Cass, not only to you but to everyone in this world."

Cass gasped and turned to Forest, a look of surprise painting her face.

Cass: "What do you mean?"

Forest: "The truth is that none of this would've happened if I didn't interfere. I'm the one who proposed that we took over Cray and Earth, I'm the one who lead the first attack, I'm the one that killed Raven's entire family and now the one who made him lose his soul."

Tears started rolling down Forest's face as he tried surpressing all the horrid memories.

Cass: "Forest, it's not your faul-."

Forest: "SHUT IT CASS! It is my fault, I caused so much suffering and now I can never pay any of you back for what I've done!"

Cass felt a change in the air as a powerful aura started erupting from Forest.

Forest: "Want to know something Cassandra Mystolic? Dark Insight has the power to bend reality, yes, but it has another ability. It has the ability to manipulate emotions and ideas."

Cass was at a loss for words, she was both surprised by this new discovery and terrified by the power the Dark Union member emitted.

Forest: "I quit Dark Union for a number of reasons, and it's because you guys, it's because of Neo Generation. Every single bad thing done to every one of you guys, it's all been me."

Forest bounced off the fence and started walking towards the gate. Cass ran after him and gripped his shoulder, causing him to stop.

Cass: "What do you mean by that? It couldn't possibly be your fault for everything that's happened to us."

Forest: "That's where you're wrong. The disease that caused Nicolé Shado, and in extent Star Shado was created by me. The truth about it is that it slowly kills the person, I planted a small bit of Requiem's DNA into Nicolé so that Voltro would make a deal with Requiem, and when he did I transferred all that into Star so he would become a successful vessel, the worst thing is that if Star uses Dark Insight it'll kill him faster and if he's been training with Requiem, then he's only got three days left of life."

The two stayed quiet for a while before Forest explained the rest, telling them that all their pain was caused by his influence over innocent people. Cass was left speechless, not knowing what to do at this point. Here he was, the man who caused her families death, but she wasn't angry.

Forest: "There's only one way I can atone my sins. Thank you Neo Generation, for everything."

Forest started walking off again, but before Cass could stop him she felt something hit the back of her neck and she collapsed so quick she couldn't even register it.

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